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Supplementary Classification of External Causes of Injury and Poisoning (E800-E999)

This section is provided to permit the classification of environmental events, circumstances,
 and conditions as the cause of injury, poisoning, and other adverse effects.  Where a code
 from this section is applicable, it is intended that it shall be used in addition to a code
 from one of the main chapters of ICD-9-CM, indicating the nature of the condition.  Certain
 other conditions which may be stated to be due to external causes are classified in Chapters
 1 to 16 of ICD-9-CM. For these, the "E" code classification should be used as an additional
 code for more detailed analysis.

Machinery accidents [other than those connected with transport] are classifiable to category
 E919, in which the fourth digit allows a broad classification of the type of machinery
 involved.  If a more detailed classification of type of machinery is required, it is
 suggested that the "Classification of Industrial Accidents according to Agency," prepared by
 the International Labor Office, be used in addition; it is included in this publication.

Categories for "late effects" of accidents and other external causes are to be found at E929,
 E959, E969, E977, E989, and E999.

Definitions and examples related to transport accidents
(a)	A transport accident (E800-E848) is any accident involving a device designed primarily
 for, or being used at the time primarily for, conveying persons or goods from one place to another.
Includes:	accidents involving:
aircraft and spacecraft (E840-E845)
watercraft (E830-E838)
motor vehicle (E810-E825)
railway (E800-E807)
other road vehicles (E826-E829)

In classifying accidents which involve more than one kind of transport, the above order of
 precedence of transport accidents should be used.

Accidents involving agricultural and construction machines, such as tractors, cranes, and
 bulldozers, are regarded as transport accidents only when these vehicles are under their
 own power on a highway [otherwise the vehicles are regarded as machinery]. Vehicles which
 can travel on land or water, such as hovercraft and other amphibious vehicles, are regarded
 as watercraft when on the water, as motor vehicles when on the highway, and as off-road motor
 vehicles when on land, but off the highway.
Excludes:	accidents:
in sports which involve the use of transport but where the transport vehicle itself was not
 involved in the accident
involving vehicles which are part of industrial equipment used entirely on industrial premises
occurring during transportation but unrelated to the hazards associated with the means of
 transportation [e.g., injuries received in a fight on board ship; transport vehicle involved
 in a cataclysm such as an earthquake]
to persons engaged in the maintenance or repair of transport equipment or vehicle not in motion,
 unless injured by another vehicle in motion
(b)	A railway accident is a transport accident involving a railway train or other railway
 vehicle operated on rails, whether in motion or not.
Excludes:	accidents:
in repair shops
in roundhouse or on turntable
on railway premises but not involving a train or other railway vehicle
(c)	A railway train or railway vehicle is any device with or without cars coupled to it,
 designed for traffic on a railway.
Includes:	interurban:
electric car (operated chiefly on its own right-of-way, not open to other traffic)
streetcar (operated chiefly on its own right-of-way, not open to other traffic)
railway train, any power [diesel] [electric] [steam]
monorail or two-rail
subterranean or elevated
other vehicle designed to run on a railway track
Excludes:	interurban electric cars [streetcars] specified to be operating on a
 right-of-way that forms part of the public street or highway [definition (n)]
(d)	A railway or railroad is a right-of-way designed for traffic on rails, which is
 used by carriages or wagons transporting passengers or freight, and by other rolling stock,
 and which is not open to other public vehicular traffic
(e)	A motor vehicle accident is a transport accident involving a motor vehicle.  It is
 defined as a motor vehicle traffic accident or as a motor vehicle nontraffic accident
 according to whether the accident occurs on a public highway or elsewhere.
Excludes:	injury or damage due to cataclysm
injury or damage while a motor vehicle, not under its own power, is being loaded on, or
 unloaded from, another conveyance
(f)	A motor vehicle traffic accident is any motor vehicle accident occurring on a public
 highway [i.e., originating, terminating, or involving a vehicle partially on the highway].
 A motor vehicle accident is assumed to have occurred on the highway unless another place is
 specified, except in the case of accidents involving only off-road motor vehicles which are
 classified as nontraffic accidents unless the contrary is stated.
(g)	A motor vehicle nontraffic accident is any motor vehicle accident which occurs
 entirely in any place other than a public highway.
(h)	A public highway [trafficway] or street is the entire width between property lines
 [or other boundary lines] of every way or place, of which any part is open to the use of
 the public for purposes of vehicular traffic as a matter of right or custom. A roadway is
 that part of the public highway designed, improved, and ordinarily used, for vehicular travel.
Includes:	approaches (public) to:
public building
Excludes:	driveway (private)
parking lot
roads in:
industrial premises
private grounds
(i)	A motor vehicle is any mechanically or electrically powered device, not operated on
 rails, upon which any person or property may be transported or drawn upon a highway. Any
 object such as a trailer, coaster, sled, or wagon being towed by a motor vehicle is considered
 a part of the motor vehicle.
Includes:	automobile [any type]
construction machinery, farm and industrial machinery, steam roller, tractor, army tank,
 highway grader, or similar vehicle on wheels or treads, while in transport under own power
fire engine (motorized)
motorized bicycle [moped] or scooter
trolley bus not operating on rails
Excludes:	devices used solely to move persons or materials within the confines of a
 building and its premises, such as:
building elevator
coal car in mine
electric baggage or mail truck used solely within a railroad station
electric truck used solely within an industrial plant
moving overhead crane
(j)	A motorcycle is a two-wheeled motor vehicle having one or two riding saddles and
 sometimes having a third wheel for the support of a sidecar. The sidecar is considered part
 of the motorcycle.
Includes:	motorized:
bicycle [moped]
(k)	An off-road motor vehicle is a motor vehicle of special design, to enable it to
 negotiate rough or soft terrain or snow. Examples of special design are high construction,
 special wheels and tires, driven by treads, or support on a cushion of air.
Includes:	all terrain vehicle [ATV]
army tank
hovercraft, on land or swamp
(l)	A driver of a motor vehicle is the occupant of the motor vehicle operating it or
 intending to operate it. A motorcyclist is the driver of a motorcycle. Other authorized
 occupants of a motor vehicle are passengers.
(m)	An other road vehicle is any device, except a motor vehicle, in, on, or by which
 any person or property may be transported on a highway.
Includes:	animal carrying a person or goods
animal-drawn vehicle
animal harnessed to conveyance
bicycle [pedal cycle]
tricycle (pedal)
Excludes:	pedestrian conveyance [definition (q)]
(n)	A streetcar is a device designed and used primarily for transporting persons within
 a municipality, running on rails, usually subject to normal traffic control signals, and
 operated principally on a right-of-way that forms part of the traffic way. A trailer being
 towed by a streetcar is considered a part of the streetcar.
Includes:	interurban or intraurban electric or streetcar, when specified to be operating
 on a street or public highway
tram (car)
trolley (car)
(o)	A pedal cycle is any road transport vehicle operated solely by pedals.
Includes:	bicycle
pedal cycle
Excludes:	motorized bicycle [definition (i)]
(p)	A pedal cyclist is any person riding on a pedal cycle or in a sidecar attached to such
 a vehicle.
(q)	A pedestrian conveyance is any human powered device by which a pedestrian may move
 other than by walking or by which a walking person may move another pedestrian.
Includes:	baby carriage
coaster wagon
ice skates
roller skates
(r)	A pedestrian is any person involved in an accident who was not at the time of the
 accident riding in or on a motor vehicle, railroad train, streetcar, animal-drawn or other
 vehicle, or on a bicycle or animal.
Includes:	person:
changing tire of vehicle
in or operating a pedestrian conveyance
making adjustment to motor of vehicle
on foot
(s)	A watercraft is any device for transporting passengers or goods on the water.
(t)  A small boat is any watercraft propelled by paddle, oars, or small motor, with a passenger
 capacity of less than ten.
Includes:	boat NOS
rowing shell
small motorboat
Excludes:	barge
lifeboat (used after abandoning ship)
raft (anchored) being used as a diving platform
(u)	An aircraft is any device for transporting passengers or goods in the air.
Includes:	airplane [any type]
glider (hang)
military aircraft
(v)	A commercial transport aircraft is any device for collective passenger or freight
 transportation by air, whether run on commercial lines for profit or by government
 authorities, with the exception of military craft.


Note:	For definitions of railway accident and related terms see definitions (a) to (d).
Excludes:	accidents involving railway train and:
aircraft (E840.0-E845.9)
motor vehicle (E810.0-E825.9)
watercraft (E830.0-E838.9)
The following fourth-digit subdivisions are for use with categories E800-E807 to identify the
 injured person:
0	Railway employee
Any person who by virtue of his employment in connection with a railway, whether by the
 railway company or not, is at increased risk of involvement in a railway accident, such as:
catering staff of train
postal staff on train
railway fireman
sleeping car attendant
1	Passenger on railway
Any authorized person traveling on a train, except a railway employee.
Excludes:	intending passenger waiting at station (8)
unauthorized rider on railway vehicle (8)
2	Pedestrian
See definition (r)
3	Pedal cyclist
See definition (p)
8	Other specified person
Intending passenger or bystander waiting at station
Unauthorized rider on railway vehicle
9	Unspecified person
E800	Railway accident involving collision with rolling stock
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Includes:	collision between railway trains or railway vehicles, any kind
collision NOS on railway
derailment with antecedent collision with rolling stock or NOS
E801	Railway accident involving collision with other object
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Includes:	collision of railway train with:
fallen tree on railway
rock on railway
other nonmotor vehicle
other object
Excludes:	collision with:
aircraft (E840.0-E842.9)
motor vehicle (E810.0-E810.9, E820.0-E822.9)
E802	Railway accident involving derailment without antecedent collision
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
E803	Railway accident involving explosion, fire, or burning
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Excludes:	explosion or fire, with antecedent derailment (E802.0-E802.9)
explosion or fire, with mention of antecedent collision (E800.0-E801.9)
E804	Fall in, on, or from railway train
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Includes:	fall while alighting from or boarding railway train
Excludes: fall related to collision, derailment, or explosion of railway train (E800.0-E803.9)
E805	Hit by rolling stock
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Includes:	crushed by railway train or part
injured by railway train or part
killed by railway train or part
knocked down by railway train or part
run over by railway train or part
Excludes:	pedestrian hit by object set in motion by railway train (E806.0-E806.9)
E806	Other specified railway accident
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Includes:	hit by object falling in railway train
injured by door or window on railway train
nonmotor road vehicle or pedestrian hit by object set in motion by railway train
railway train hit by falling:
earth NOS
other object
Excludes:	railway accident due to cataclysm (E908-E909)
E807	Railway accident of unspecified nature
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Includes:	found dead on railway right-of-way NOS
injured on railway right-of-way NOS
railway accident NOS
Note:	For definitions of motor vehicle traffic accident, and related terms, see definitions
 (e) to (k).
Excludes:	accidents involving motor vehicle and aircraft (E840.0-E845.9)
The following fourth-digit subdivisions are for use with categories E810-E819 to identify the
 injured person:
0	Driver of motor vehicle other than motorcycle
See definition (l)
1	Passenger in motor vehicle other than motorcycle
See definition (l)
2	Motorcyclist
See definition (l)
3	Passenger on motorcycle
See definition (l)
4	Occupant of streetcar
5	Rider of animal; occupant of animal-drawn vehicle
6	Pedal cyclist
See definition (p)
7	Pedestrian
See definition (r)
8	Other specified person
Occupant of vehicle other than above
Person in railway train involved in accident
Unauthorized rider of motor vehicle
9	Unspecified person
E810	Motor vehicle traffic accident involving collision with train
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Excludes: motor vehicle collision with object set in motion by railway train (E815.0-E815.9)
railway train hit by object set in motion by motor vehicle (E818.0-E818.9)
E811	Motor vehicle traffic accident involving re-entrant collision with another motor
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Includes:	collision between motor vehicle which accidentally leaves the roadway then
 re-enters the same roadway, or the opposite roadway on a divided highway, and another motor
Excludes:	collision on the same roadway when none of the motor vehicles involved have
 left and re-entered the roadway (E812.0-E812.9)
E812	Other motor vehicle traffic accident involving collision with motor vehicle
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Includes:	collision with another motor vehicle parked, stopped, stalled, disabled, or
 abandoned on the highway
motor vehicle collision NOS
Excludes:	collision with object set in motion by another motor vehicle (E815.0-E815.9)
re-entrant collision with another motor vehicle (E811.0-E811.9)
E813	Motor vehicle traffic accident involving collision with other vehicle
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Includes:	collision between motor vehicle, any kind, and:
other road (nonmotor transport) vehicle, such as:
animal carrying a person
animal-drawn vehicle
pedal cycle
Excludes:	collision with:
object set in motion by nonmotor road vehicle (E815.0-E815.9)
pedestrian (E814.0-E814.9)
nonmotor road vehicle hit by object set in motion by motor vehicle (E818.0-E818.9)
E814	Motor vehicle traffic accident involving collision with pedestrian
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Includes:	collision between motor vehicle, any kind, and pedestrian
pedestrian dragged, hit, or run over by motor vehicle, any kind
Excludes:	pedestrian hit by object set in motion by motor vehicle (E818.0-E818.9)
E815	Other motor vehicle traffic accident involving collision on the highway
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Includes:	collision (due to loss of control) (on highway) between motor vehicle, any
 kind, and:
abutment (bridge) (overpass)
animal (herded) (unattended)
fallen stone, traffic sign, tree, utility pole
guard rail or boundary fence
interhighway divider
landslide (not moving)
object set in motion by railway train or road vehicle (motor) (nonmotor)
object thrown in front of motor vehicle
safety island
temporary traffic sign or marker
wall of cut made for road
other object, fixed, movable, or moving
Excludes:	collision with:
any object off the highway (resulting from loss of control) (E816.0-E816.9)
any object which normally would have been off the highway and is not stated to have been on
 it (E816.0-E816.9)
motor vehicle parked, stopped, stalled, disabled, or abandoned on highway (E812.0-E812.9)
moving landslide (E909.2)
motor vehicle hit by object:
set in motion by railway train or road vehicle (motor) (nonmotor) (E818.0-E818.9)
thrown into or on vehicle (E818.0-E818.9)
E816	Motor vehicle traffic accident due to loss of control, without collision on the highway
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Includes:	motor vehicle:
failing to make curve and:
colliding with object off the highway
stopping abruptly off the highway
going out of control (due to)
blowout and:
colliding with object off the highway
stopping abruptly off the highway
burst tire and:
colliding with object off the highway
stopping abruptly off the highway
driver falling asleep and:
colliding with object off the highway
stopping abruptly off the highway
driver inattention and:
colliding with object off the highway
stopping abruptly off the highway
excessive speed and:
colliding with object off the highway
stopping abruptly off the highway
failure of mechanical part and:
colliding with object off the highway
stopping abruptly off the highway
Excludes:	collision on highway following loss of control (E810.0-E815.9)
loss of control of motor vehicle following collision on the highway (E810.0-E815.9)
E817	Noncollision motor vehicle traffic accident while boarding or alighting
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Includes:	fall down stairs of motor bus while boarding or alighting
fall from car in street while boarding or alighting
injured by moving part of the vehicle while boarding or alighting
trapped by door of motor bus boarding or alighting while boarding or alighting
E818	Other noncollision motor vehicle traffic accident
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Includes:	accidental poisoning from exhaust gas generated by motor vehicle while in
breakage of any part of motor vehicle while in motion
explosion of any part of motor vehicle while in motion
fall, jump, or being accidentally pushed from motor vehicle while in motion
fire starting in motor vehicle while in motion
hit by object thrown into or on motor vehicle while in motion
injured by being thrown against some part of, or object in motor vehicle while in motion
injury from moving part of motor vehicle while in motion
object falling in or on motor vehicle while in motion
object thrown on motor vehicle while in motion
collision of railway train or road vehicle except motor vehicle, with object set in motion by
 motor vehicle
motor vehicle hit by object set in motion by railway train or road vehicle (motor) (nonmotor)
pedestrian, railway train, or road vehicle (motor) (nonmotor) hit by object set in motion by
 motor vehicle
Excludes:	collision between motor vehicle and:
object set in motion by railway train or road vehicle (motor) (nonmotor) (E815.0-E815.9)
object thrown towards the motor vehicle (E815.0-E815.9)
person overcome by carbon monoxide generated by stationary motor vehicle off the roadway with
 motor running (E868.2)
E819	Motor vehicle traffic accident of unspecified nature
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Includes:	motor vehicle traffic accident NOS
traffic accident NOS


Note:	For definitions of motor vehicle nontraffic accident and related terms see definition
 (a) to (k).
Includes:	accidents involving motor vehicles being used in recreational or sporting
 activities off the highway
collision and noncollision motor vehicle accidents occurring entirely off the highway
Excludes:	accidents involving motor vehicle and:
aircraft (E840.0-E845.9)
watercraft (E830.0-E838.9)
accidents, not on the public highway, involving agricultural and construction machinery but
 not involving another motor vehicle (E919.0, E919.2, E919.7)
The following fourth-digit subdivisions are for use with categories E820-E825 to identify the
 injured person:
0	Driver of motor vehicle other than motorcycle
See definition (l)
1	Passenger in motor vehicle other than motorcycle
See definition (l)
2	Motorcyclist
See definition (l)
3	Passenger on motorcycle
See definition (l)
4	Occupant of streetcar
5	Rider of animal; occupant of animal-drawn vehicle
6	Pedal cyclist
See definition (p)
7	Pedestrian
See definition (r)
8	Other specified person
Occupant of vehicle other than above
Person on railway train involved in accident
Unauthorized rider of motor vehicle
9	Unspecified person
E820	Nontraffic accident involving motor-driven snow vehicle
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Includes:	breakage of part of motor-driven snow vehicle (not on public highway)
fall from motor-driven snow vehicle (not on public highway)
hit by motor-driven snow vehicle (not on public highway)
overturning of motor-driven snow vehicle (not on public highway)
run over or dragged by motor-driven snow vehicle (not on public highway)
collision of motor-driven snow vehicle with:
animal (being ridden) (-drawn vehicle)
another off-road motor vehicle
other motor vehicle, not on public highway
railway train
other object, fixed or movable
injury caused by rough landing of motor-driven snow vehicle (after leaving ground on rough
Excludes: accident on the public highway involving motor driven snow vehicle (E810.0-E819.9)
E821	Nontraffic accident involving other off-road motor vehicle
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Includes:	breakage of part of off-road motor vehicle, except snow vehicle (not on public
fall from off-road motor vehicle, except snow vehicle (not on public highway)
hit by off-road motor vehicle, except snow vehicle (not on public highway)
overturning of off-road motor vehicle, except snow vehicle (not on public highway)
run over or dragged by off-road motor vehicle, except snow vehicle (not on public highway)
thrown against some part of or object in off-road motor vehicle, except snow vehicle (not on
 public highway)
collision with:
animal (being ridden) (-drawn vehicle)
another off-road motor vehicle, except snow vehicle
other motor vehicle, not on public highway
other object, fixed or movable
Excludes:	accident on public highway involving off-road motor vehicle (E810.0-E819.9)
collision between motor driven snow vehicle and other off-road motor vehicle (E820.0-E820.9)
hovercraft accident on water (E830.0-E838.9)
E822	Other motor vehicle nontraffic accident involving collision with moving object
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Includes:	collision, not on public highway, between motor vehicle, except off-road motor
 vehicle and:
nonmotor vehicle
other motor vehicle, except off-road motor vehicle
railway train
other moving object
Excludes:	collision with:
motor-driven snow vehicle (E820.0-E820.9)
other off-road motor vehicle (E821.0-E821.9)
E823	Other motor vehicle nontraffic accident involving collision with stationary object
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Includes:	collision, not on public highway, between motor vehicle, except off-road motor
 vehicle, and any object, fixed or movable, but not in motion
E824	Other motor vehicle nontraffic accident while boarding and alighting
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Includes:	fall while boarding or alighting from motor vehicle except off-road motor
 vehicle, not on public highway
injury from moving part of motor vehicle while boarding or alighting from motor vehicle except
 off-road motor vehicle, not on public highway
trapped by door of motor vehicle while boarding or alighting from motor vehicle except
 off-road motor vehicle, not on public highway
E825	Other motor vehicle nontraffic accident of other and unspecified nature
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Includes:	accidental poisoning from carbon monoxide generated by motor vehicle while in
 motion, not on public highway
breakage of any part of motor vehicle while in motion, not on public highway
explosion of any part of motor vehicle while in motion, not on public highway
fall, jump, or being accidentally pushed from motor vehicle while in motion, not on public
fire starting in motor vehicle while in motion, not on public highway
hit by object thrown into, towards, or on motor vehicle while in motion, not on public highway
injured by being thrown against some part of, or object in motor vehicle while in motion, not
 on public highway
injury from moving part of motor vehicle while in motion, not on public highway
object falling in or on motor vehicle while in motion, not on public highway
motor vehicle nontraffic accident NOS
Excludes:	fall from or in stationary motor vehicle (E884.9, E885.9)
overcome by carbon monoxide or exhaust gas generated by stationary motor vehicle off the
 roadway with motor running (E868.2)
struck by falling object from or in stationary motor vehicle (E916)


Note:	Other road vehicle accidents are transport accidents involving road vehicles other
 than motor vehicles. For definitions of other road vehicle and related terms see definitions
 (m) to (o).
Includes:	accidents involving other road vehicles being used in recreational or sporting
Excludes:	collision of other road vehicle [any] with:
aircraft (E840.0-E845.9)
motor vehicle (E813.0-E813.9, E820.0-E822.9)
railway train (E801.0-E801.9)
The following fourth-digit subdivisions are for use with categories E826-E829 to identify the
 injured person:
0	Pedestrian
See definition (r)
1	Pedal cyclist
See definition (p)
2	Rider of animal
3	Occupant of animal-drawn vehicle
4	Occupant of streetcar
8	Other specified person
9	Unspecified person
E826	Pedal cycle accident
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Includes:	breakage of any part of pedal cycle
collision between pedal cycle and:
animal (being ridden) (herded) (unattended)
another pedal cycle
nonmotor road vehicle, any
other object, fixed, movable, or moving, not set in motion by motor vehicle, railway train,
 or aircraft
entanglement in wheel of pedal cycle
fall from pedal cycle
hit by object falling or thrown on the pedal cycle
pedal cycle accident NOS
pedal cycle overturned
E827	Animal-drawn vehicle accident
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Includes:	breakage of any part of vehicle
collision between animal-drawn vehicle and:
animal (being ridden) (herded) (unattended)
nonmotor road vehicle, except pedal cycle
pedestrian, pedestrian conveyance, or pedestrian vehicle
other object, fixed, movable, or moving, not set in motion by motor vehicle, railway train,
 or aircraft
fall from animal-drawn vehicle
knocked down by animal-drawn vehicle
overturning of animal-drawn vehicle
run over by animal-drawn vehicle
thrown from animal-drawn vehicle
Excludes:	collision of animal-drawn vehicle with pedal cycle (E826.0-E826.9)
E828	Accident involving animal being ridden
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Includes:	collision between animal being ridden and:
another animal
nonmotor road vehicle, except pedal cycle, and animal-drawn vehicle
pedestrian, pedestrian conveyance, or pedestrian vehicle
other object, fixed, movable, or moving, not set in motion by motor vehicle, railway train,
 or aircraft
fall from animal being ridden
knocked down by animal being ridden
thrown from animal being ridden
trampled by animal being ridden
ridden animal stumbled and fell
Excludes:	collision of animal being ridden with:
animal-drawn vehicle (E827.0-E827.9)
pedal cycle (E826.0-E826.9)
E829	Other road vehicle accidents
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Includes:	accident while boarding or alighting from
nonmotor road vehicle not classifiable to E826-E828
blow from object in
nonmotor road vehicle not classifiable to E826-E828
breakage of any part of
nonmotor road vehicle not classifiable to E826-E828
caught in door of
nonmotor road vehicle not classifiable to E826-E828
derailment of
nonmotor road vehicle not classifiable to E826-E828
fall in, on, or from
nonmotor road vehicle not classifiable to E826-E828
fire in
nonmotor road vehicle not classifiable to E826-E828
collision between streetcar or nonmotor road vehicle, except as in E826-E828, and:
animal (not being ridden)
another nonmotor road vehicle not classifiable to E826-E828
other object, fixed, movable, or moving, not set in motion by motor vehicle, railway train,
 or aircraft
nonmotor road vehicle accident NOS
streetcar accident NOS
Excludes:	collision with:
animal being ridden (E828.0-E828.9)
animal-drawn vehicle (E827.0-E827.9)
pedal cycle (E826.0-E826.9)


Note:	For definitions of water transport accident and related terms see definitions (a),
 (s), and (t).
Includes:	watercraft accidents in the course of recreational activities
Excludes:	accidents involving both aircraft, including objects set in motion by aircraft,
 and watercraft (E840.0-E845.9)
The following fourth-digit subdivisions are for use with categories E830-E838 to identify the
 injured person:
0	Occupant of small boat, unpowered
1	Occupant of small boat, powered
See definition (t)
Excludes:	water skier (4)
2	Occupant of other watercraft­crew
engaged in operation of watercraft
providing passenger services [cabin attendants, ship's physician, catering personnel]
working on ship during voyage in other capacity [musician in band, operators of shops and
 beauty parlors]
3	Occupant of other watercraft -- other than crew
Occupant of lifeboat, other than crew, after abandoning ship
4	Water skier
5	Swimmer
6	Dockers, stevedores
Longshoreman employed on the dock in loading and unloading ships
8	Other specified person
Immigration and custom officials on board ship
accompanying passenger or member of crew
visiting boat
Pilot (guiding ship into port)
9	Unspecified person
E830	Accident to watercraft causing submersion
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Includes:	submersion and drowning due to:
boat overturning
boat submerging
falling or jumping from burning ship
falling or jumping from crushed watercraft
ship sinking
other accident to watercraft
E831	Accident to watercraft causing other injury
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Includes:	any injury, except submersion and drowning, as a result of an accident to
burned while ship on fire
crushed between ships in collision
crushed by lifeboat after abandoning ship
fall due to collision or other accident to watercraft
hit by falling object due to accident to watercraft
injured in watercraft accident involving collision
struck by boat or part thereof after fall or jump from damaged boat
Excludes:	burns from localized fire or explosion on board ship (E837.0-E837.9)
E832	Other accidental submersion or drowning in water transport accident
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Includes:	submersion or drowning as a result of an accident other than accident to the
 watercraft, such as:
from gangplank
from ship
thrown overboard by motion of ship
washed overboard
Excludes:	submersion or drowning of swimmer or diver who voluntarily jumps from boat
 not involved in an accident (E910.0-E910.9)
E833	Fall on stairs or ladders in water transport
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Excludes:	fall due to accident to watercraft (E831.0-E831.9)
E834	Other fall from one level to another in water transport
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Excludes:	fall due to accident to watercraft (E831.0-E831.9)
E835	Other and unspecified fall in water transport
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Excludes:	fall due to accident to watercraft (E831.0-E831.9)
E836	Machinery accident in water transport
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Includes:	injuries in water transport caused by:
deck machinery
engine room machinery
galley machinery
laundry machinery
loading machinery
E837	Explosion, fire, or burning in watercraft
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Includes:	explosion of boiler on steamship
localized fire on ship
Excludes:	burning ship (due to collision or explosion) resulting in:
submersion or drowning (E830.0-E830.9)
other injury (E831.0-E831.9)
E838	Other and unspecified water transport accident
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Includes:	accidental poisoning by gases or fumes on ship
atomic power plant malfunction in watercraft
crushed between ship and stationary object [wharf]
crushed between ships without accident to watercraft
crushed by falling object on ship or while loading or unloading
hit by boat while water skiing
struck by boat or part thereof (after fall from boat)
watercraft accident NOS


Note:	For definition of aircraft and related terms see definitions (u) and (v).
The following fourth-digit subdivisions are for use with categories E840-E845 to identify the
 injured person:
0	Occupant of spacecraft
1	Occupant of military aircraft, any
Crew in military aircraft [air force] [army] [national guard] [navy]
Passenger (civilian) (military) in military aircraft [air force] [army] [national guard] [navy]
Troops in military aircraft [air force] [army] [national guard] [navy]
Excludes:	occupants of aircraft operated under jurisdiction of police departments (5)
parachutist (7)
2	Crew of commercial aircraft (powered) in surface-to-surface transport
3	Other occupant of commercial aircraft (powered) in surface-to-surface transport
Flight personnel:
not part of crew
on familiarization flight
Passenger on aircraft (powered) NOS
4	Occupant of commercial aircraft (powered) in surface-to-air transport
Occupant [crew] [passenger] of aircraft (powered) engaged in activities, such as:
aerial spraying (crops) (fire retardants)
air drops of emergency supplies
air drops of parachutists, except from military craft
crop dusting
lowering of construction material [bridge or telephone pole]
sky writing
5	Occupant of other powered aircraft
Occupant [crew] [passenger] of aircraft [powered] engaged in activities, such as:
aerobatic flying
aircraft racing
rescue operation
storm surveillance
traffic surveillance
Occupant of private plane NOS
6	Occupant of unpowered aircraft, except parachutist
Occupant of aircraft classifiable to E842
7	Parachutist (military) (other)
Person making voluntary descent
Excludes:	person making descent after accident to aircraft (.1-.6)

8	Ground crew, airline employee
Persons employed at airfields (civil) (military) or launching pads, not occupants of aircraft
9	Other person
E840	Accident to powered aircraft at takeoff or landing
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Includes:	collision of aircraft with any object, fixed, movable, or moving while taking
 off or landing
crash while taking off or landing
explosion on aircraft while taking off or landing
fire on aircraft while taking off or landing
forced landing
E841	Accident to powered aircraft, other and unspecified
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Includes:	aircraft accident NOS
aircraft crash or wreck NOS
any accident to powered aircraft while in transit or when not specified whether in transit,
 taking off, or landing
collision of aircraft with another aircraft, bird, or any object, while in transit
explosion on aircraft while in transit
fire on aircraft while in transit
E842	Accident to unpowered aircraft
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Includes:	any accident, except collision with powered aircraft, to:
hang glider
kite carrying a person
hit by object falling from unpowered aircraft
E843	Fall in, on, or from aircraft
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Includes:	accident in boarding or alighting from aircraft, any kind
fall in, on, or from aircraft [any kind], while in transit, taking off, or landing, except
 when as a result of an accident to aircraft
E844	Other specified air transport accidents
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Includes:	hit by aircraft without accident to aircraft
hit by object falling from aircraft without accident to aircraft
injury by or from machinery on aircraft without accident to aircraft
injury by or from rotating propeller without accident to aircraft
injury by or from voluntary parachute descent without accident to aircraft
poisoning by carbon monoxide from aircraft while in transit without accident to aircraft
sucked into jet without accident to aircraft
any accident involving other transport vehicle (motor) (nonmotor) due to being hit by object
 set in motion by aircraft (powered)
Excludes:	air sickness (E903)
effects of:
high altitude (E902.0-E902.1)
pressure change (E902.0-E902.1)
injury in parachute descent due to accident to aircraft (E840.0-E842.9)
E845	Accident involving spacecraft
Requires fourth digit. See beginning of section E800-E845 for codes and definitions.
Includes:	launching pad accident
Excludes:	effects of weightlessness in spacecraft (E928.0)


E846	Accidents involving powered vehicles used solely within the buildings and premises of
 industrial or commercial establishment
Accident to, on, or involving:
battery-powered airport passenger vehicle
battery-powered trucks (baggage) (mail)
coal car in mine
logging car
self-propelled truck, industrial
station baggage truck (powered)
tram, truck, or tub (powered) in mine or quarry
Breakage of any part of vehicle
Collision with:
other vehicle or object within premises
Explosion of powered vehicle, industrial or commercial
Fall from powered vehicle, industrial or commercial
Overturning of powered vehicle, industrial or commercial
Struck by powered vehicle, industrial or commercial
Excludes:	accidental poisoning by exhaust gas from vehicle not elsewhere classifiable
injury by crane, lift (fork), or elevator (E919.2)
E847	Accidents involving cable cars not running on rails
Accident to, on, or involving:
cable car, not on rails
ski chair-lift
ski-lift with gondola
Breakage of cable
Caught or dragged by cable car, not on rails
Fall or jump from cable car, not on rails
Object thrown from or in cable car not on rails
E848	Accidents involving other vehicles, not elsewhere classifiable
Accident to, on, or involving:
ice yacht
land yacht
nonmotor, nonroad vehicle NOS


Note:	The following category is for use to denote the place where the injury or poisoning
E849.0	Home
Boarding house
Farm house
Home premises
House (residential)
Noninstitutional place of residence
Swimming pool in private house or garden
Yard of home
Excludes:	home under construction but not yet occupied (E849.3)
institutional place of residence (E849.7)
E849.1	Farm
land under cultivation
Excludes:	farm house and home premises of farm (E849.0)
E849.2	Mine and quarry
Gravel pit
Sand pit
Tunnel under construction
E849.3	Industrial place and premises
Building under construction
Dry dock
Garage (place of work)
Industrial yard
Loading platform (factory) (store)
Plant, industrial
Railway yard
Shop (place of work)
E849.4	Place for recreation and sport
Amusement park
Baseball field
Basketball court
Beach resort
Cricket ground
Fives court
Football field
Golf course
Hockey field
Holiday camp
Ice palace
Lake resort
Mountain resort
Playground, including school playground
Public park
Resort NOS
Riding school
Rifle range
Seashore resort
Skating rink
Sports palace
Swimming pool, public
Tennis court
Vacation resort
Excludes:	that in private house or garden (E849.0)
E849.5	Street and highway
E849.6	Public building
Building (including adjacent grounds) used by the general public or by a particular group of
 the public, such as:
dance hall
garage building (for car storage)
market (grocery or other commodity)
movie house
music hall
office building
opera house
post office
public hall
radio broadcasting station
school (state) (public) (private)
shop, commercial
station (bus) (railway)
Excludes:	home garage (E849.0)
industrial building or workplace (E849.3)
E849.7	Residential institution
Children's home
Old people's home
Reform School
E849.8	Other specified places
Beach NOS
Caravan site NOS
Derelict house
Lake NOS
Parking lot
Parking place
Pond or pool (natural)
Public place NOS
Railway line
Seashore NOS
Trailer court
E849.9	Unspecified place


Includes:	accidental overdose of drug, wrong drug given or taken in error, and drug
 taken inadvertently
accidents in the use of drugs and biologicals in medical and surgical procedures
Excludes:	administration with suicidal or homicidal intent or intent to harm, or in
 circumstances classifiable to E980-E989 (E950.0-E950.5, E962.0, E980.0-E980.5)
correct drug properly administered in therapeutic or prophylactic dosage, as the cause of
 adverse effect (E930.0-E949.9)
Note:	See Alphabetic Index for more complete list of specific drugs to be classified under
 the fourth-digit subdivisions. The American Hospital Formulary numbers can be used to
 classify new drugs listed by the American Hospital Formulary Service (AHFS).  See appendix C.
E850	Accidental poisoning by analgesics, antipyretics, and antirheumatics
E850.0	Heroin
E850.1	Methadone
E850.2	Other opiates and related narcotics
Codeine [methylmorphine]
Meperidine [pethidine]
Opium (alkaloids)
E850.3	Salicylates
Acetylsalicylic acid [aspirin]
Amino derivatives of salicylic acid
Salicylic acid salts
E850.4	Aromatic analgesics, not elsewhere classified
Paracetamol [acetaminophen]
Phenacetin [acetophenetidin]
E850.5	Pyrazole derivatives
Aminophenazone [amidopyrine]
E850.6	Antirheumatics [antiphlogistics]
Gold salts
Excludes:	salicylates (E850.3)
steroids (E858.0)
E850.7	Other non-narcotic analgesics
E850.8	Other specified analgesics and antipyretics
E850.9	Unspecified analgesic or antipyretic
E851	Accidental poisoning by barbiturates
Amobarbital [amylobarbitone]
Barbital [barbitone]
Butabarbital [butabarbitone]
Pentobarbital [pentobarbitone]
Phenobarbital [phenobarbitone]
Secobarbital [quinalbarbitone]
Excludes:	thiobarbiturates (E855.1)
E852	Accidental poisoning by other sedatives and hypnotics
E852.0	Chloral hydrate group
E852.1	Paraldehyde
E852.2	Bromine compounds
Carbromal (derivatives)
E852.3	Methaqualone compounds
E852.4	Glutethimide group
E852.5	Mixed sedatives, not elsewhere classified
E852.8	Other specified sedatives and hypnotics
E852.9	Unspecified sedative or hypnotic
drug NOS
pill NOS
tablet NOS
E853	Accidental poisoning by tranquilizers
E853.0	Phenothiazine-based tranquilizers
E853.1	Butyrophenone-based tranquilizers
E853.2	Benzodiazepine-based tranquilizers
E853.8	Other specified tranquilizers
E853.9	Unspecified tranquilizer
E854	Accidental poisoning by other psychotropic agents
E854.0	Antidepressants
Monoamine oxidase [MAO] inhibitors
E854.1	Psychodysleptics [hallucinogens]
Cannabis derivatives
Lysergide [LSD]
Marihuana (derivatives)
E854.2	Psychostimulants
Excludes:	central appetite depressants (E858.8)
E854.3	Central nervous system stimulants
Opiate antagonists
E854.8	Other psychotropic agents
E855	Accidental poisoning by other drugs acting on central and autonomic nervous system
E855.0	Anticonvulsant and anti-Parkinsonism drugs
Hydantoin derivatives
Levodopa [L-dopa]
Oxazolidine derivatives [paramethadione] [trimethadione]
E855.1	Other central nervous system depressants
Gaseous anesthetics
Halogenated hydrocarbon derivatives
Intravenous anesthetics
Thiobarbiturates, such as thiopental sodium
E855.2	Local anesthetics
Lidocaine [lignocaine]
E855.3	Parasympathomimetics [cholinergics]
E855.4	Parasympatholytics [anticholinergics and antimuscarinics] and spasmolytics
Hyoscine [scopolamine]
Quaternary ammonium derivatives
E855.5	Sympathomimetics [adrenergics]
Epinephrine [adrenalin]
Levarterenol [noradrenalin]
E855.6	Sympatholytics [antiadrenergics]
Tolazoline hydrochloride
E855.8	Other specified drugs acting on central and autonomic nervous systems
E855.9	Unspecified drug acting on central and autonomic nervous systems
E856	Accidental poisoning by antibiotics
E857	Accidental poisoning by other anti-infectives
E858	Accidental poisoning by other drugs
E858.0	Hormones and synthetic substitutes
E858.1	Primarily systemic agents
E858.2	Agents primarily affecting blood constituents
E858.3	Agents primarily affecting cardiovascular system
E858.4	Agents primarily affecting gastrointestinal system
E858.5	Water, mineral, and uric acid metabolism drugs
E858.6	Agents primarily acting on the smooth and skeletal muscles and respiratory system
E858.7	Agents primarily affecting skin and mucous membrane, ophthalmological,
 otorhinolaryngological, and dental drugs
E858.8	Other specified drugs
Central appetite depressants
E858.9	Unspecified drug

AND VAPORS (E860-E869)

Note:	Categories in this section are intended primarily to indicate the external cause
 of poisoning states classifiable to 980-989.  They may also be used to indicate external
 causes of localized effects classifiable to 001-799.
E860	Accidental poisoning by alcohol, not elsewhere classified
E860.0	Alcoholic beverages
Alcohol in preparations intended for consumption
E860.1	Other and unspecified ethyl alcohol and its products
Denatured alcohol
Ethanol NOS
Grain alcohol NOS
Methylated spirit
E860.2	Methyl alcohol
Wood alcohol
E860.3	Isopropyl alcohol
Dimethyl carbinol
Rubbing alcohol substitute
Secondary propyl alcohol
E860.4	Fusel oil
E860.8	Other specified alcohols
E860.9	Unspecified alcohol
E861	Accidental poisoning by cleansing and polishing agents, disinfectants, paints, and
E861.0	Synthetic detergents and shampoos
E861.1	Soap products
E861.2	Polishes
E861.3	Other cleansing and polishing agents
Scouring powders
E861.4	Disinfectants
Household and other disinfectants not ordinarily used on the person
Excludes:	carbolic acid or phenol (E864.0)
E861.5	Lead paints
E861.6	Other paints and varnishes
Oil colors
Paints, other than lead
White washes
E861.9	Unspecified
E862	Accidental poisoning by petroleum products, other solvents and their vapors, not
 elsewhere classified
E862.0	Petroleum solvents
E862.1	Petroleum fuels and cleaners
Antiknock additives to petroleum fuels
Gas oils
Gasoline or petrol
Excludes:	kerosene insecticides (E863.4)
E862.2	Lubricating oils
E862.3	Petroleum solids
Paraffin wax
E862.4	Other specified solvents
E862.9	Unspecified solvent
E863	Accidental poisoning by agricultural and horticultural chemical and pharmaceutical
 preparations other than plant foods and fertilizers
Excludes:	plant foods and fertilizers (E866.5)
E863.0	Insecticides of organochlorine compounds
Benzene hexachloride
E863.1	Insecticides of organophosphorus compounds
Methyl parathion
E863.2	Carbamates
E863.3	Mixtures of insecticides
E863.4	Other and unspecified insecticides
Kerosene insecticides
E863.5	Herbicides
2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid [2, 4-D]
2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid [2, 4, 5-T]
Mixtures of plant foods and fertilizers with herbicides
E863.6	Fungicides
Organic mercurials (used in seed dressing)
E863.7	Rodenticides
Squill and derivatives
Zinc phosphide
E863.8	Fumigants
Methyl bromide
E863.9	Other and unspecified
E864	Accidental poisoning by corrosives and caustics, not elsewhere classified
Excludes:	those as components of disinfectants (E861.4)
E864.0	Corrosive aromatics
Carbolic acid or phenol
E864.1	Acids
E864.2	Caustic alkalis
E864.3	Other specified corrosives and caustics
E864.4	Unspecified corrosives and caustics
E865	Accidental poisoning from poisonous foodstuffs and poisonous plants
Includes:	any meat, fish, or shellfish
plants, berries, and fungi eaten as, or in mistake for food, or by a child
Excludes:	anaphlyactic shock due to adverse food reaction (995.60-995.69)
food poisoning (bacterial) (005.0-005.9)
poisoning and toxic reactions to venomous plants (E905.6-E905.7)
E865.0	Meat
E865.1	Shellfish
E865.2	Other fish
E865.3	Berries and seeds
E865.4	Other specified plants
E865.5	Mushrooms and other fungi
E865.8	Other specified foods
E865.9	Unspecified foodstuff or poisonous plant
E866	Accidental poisoning by other and unspecified solid and liquid substances
Excludes:	these substances as a component of:
medicines (E850.0-E858.9)
paints (E861.5-E861.6)
pesticides (E863.0-E863.9)
petroleum fuels (E862.1)
E866.0	Lead and its compounds and fumes
E866.1	Mercury and its compounds and fumes
E866.2	Antimony and its compounds and fumes
E866.3	Arsenic and its compounds and fumes
E866.4	Other metals and their compounds and fumes
Beryllium (compounds)
Brass fumes
Cadmium (compounds)
Copper salts
Iron (compounds)
Manganese (compounds)
Nickel (compounds)
Thallium (compounds)
E866.5	Plant foods and fertilizers
Excludes:	mixtures with herbicides (E863.5)
E866.6	Glues and adhesives
E866.7	Cosmetics
E866.8	Other specified solid or liquid substances
E866.9	Unspecified solid or liquid substance
E867	Accidental poisoning by gas distributed by pipeline
Carbon monoxide from incomplete combustion of piped gas
Coal gas NOS
Liquefied petroleum gas distributed through pipes (pure or mixed with air)
Piped gas (natural) (manufactured)
E868	Accidental poisoning by other utility gas and other carbon monoxide
E868.0	Liquefied petroleum gas distributed in mobile containers
Butane or carbon monoxide from incomplete combustion of these gases
Liquefied hydrocarbon gas NOS or carbon monoxide from incomplete combustion of these gases
Propane or carbon monoxide from incomplete combustion of these gases
E868.1	Other and unspecified utility gas
Acetylene or carbon monoxide from incomplete combustion of these gases
Gas NOS used for lighting, heating, or cooking or carbon monoxide from incomplete combustion
 of these gases
Water gas or carbon monoxide from incomplete combustion of these gases
E868.2	Motor vehicle exhaust gas
Exhaust gas from:
farm tractor, not in transit
gas engine
motor pump
motor vehicle, not in transit
any type of combustion engine not in watercraft
Excludes:	poisoning by carbon monoxide from:
aircraft while in transit (E844.0-E844.9)
motor vehicle while in transit (E818.0-E818.9)
watercraft whether or not in transit (E838.0-E838.9)
E868.3	Carbon monoxide from incomplete combustion of other domestic fuels
Carbon monoxide from incomplete combustion of:
coal in domestic stove or fireplace
coke in domestic stove or fireplace
kerosene in domestic stove or fireplace
wood in domestic stove or fireplace
Excludes:	carbon monoxide from smoke and fumes due to conflagration (E890.0-E893.9)
E868.8	Carbon monoxide from other sources
Carbon monoxide from:
blast furnace gas
incomplete combustion of fuels in industrial use
kiln vapor
E868.9	Unspecified carbon monoxide
E869	Accidental poisoning by other gases and vapors
Excludes:	effects of gases used as anesthetics (E855.1, E938.2)
fumes from heavy metals (E866.0-E866.4)
smoke and fumes due to conflagration or explosion (E890.0-E899)
E869.0	Nitrogen oxides
E869.1	Sulfur dioxide
E869.2	Freon
E869.3	Lacrimogenic gas [tear gas]
Bromobenzyl cyanide
E869.4	Second-hand tobacco smoke
E869.8	Other specified gases and vapors
Hydrocyanic acid gas
E869.9	Unspecified gases and vapors


Excludes:	accidental overdose of drug and wrong drug given in error (E850.0-E858.9)
surgical and medical procedures as the cause of abnormal reaction by the patient, without
 mention of misadventure at the time of procedure (E878.0-E879.9)
E870	Accidental cut, puncture, perforation, or hemorrhage during medical care
E870.0	Surgical operation
E870.1	Infusion or transfusion
E870.2	Kidney dialysis or other perfusion
E870.3	Injection or vaccination
E870.4	Endoscopic examination
E870.5	Aspiration of fluid or tissue, puncture, and catheterization
Abdominal paracentesis
Aspirating needle biopsy
Blood sampling
Lumbar puncture
Excludes:	heart catheterization (E870.6)
E870.6	Heart catheterization
E870.7	Administration of enema
E870.8	Other specified medical care
E870.9	Unspecified medical care
E871	Foreign object left in body during procedure
E871.0	Surgical operation
E871.1	Infusion or transfusion
E871.2	Kidney dialysis or other perfusion
E871.3	Injection or vaccination
E871.4	Endoscopic examination
E871.5	Aspiration of fluid or tissue, puncture, and catheterization
Abdominal paracentesis
Aspiration needle biopsy
Blood sampling
Lumbar puncture
Excludes:	heart catheterization (E871.6)
E871.6	Heart catheterization
E871.7	Removal of catheter or packing
E871.8	Other specified procedures
E871.9	Unspecified procedure
E872	Failure of sterile precautions during procedure
E872.0	Surgical operation
E872.1	Infusion or transfusion
E872.2	Kidney dialysis and other perfusion
E872.3	Injection or vaccination
E872.4	Endoscopic examination
E872.5	Aspiration of fluid or tissue, puncture, and catheterization
Abdominal paracentesis
Aspirating needle biopsy
Blood sampling
Lumbar puncture
Excludes:	heart catheterization (E872.6)
E872.6	Heart catheterization
E872.8	Other specified procedures
E872.9	Unspecified procedure
E873	Failure in dosage
Excludes:	accidental overdose of drug, medicinal or biological substance (E850.0-E858.9)
E873.0	Excessive amount of blood or other fluid during transfusion or infusion
E873.1	Incorrect dilution of fluid during infusion
E873.2	Overdose of radiation in therapy
E873.3	Inadvertent exposure of patient to radiation during medical care
E873.4	Failure in dosage in electroshock or insulin-shock therapy
E873.5	Inappropriate [too hot or too cold] temperature in local application and packing
E873.6	Nonadministration of necessary drug or medicinal substance
E873.8	Other specified failure in dosage
E873.9	Unspecified failure in dosage
E874	Mechanical failure of instrument or apparatus during procedure
E874.0	Surgical operation
E874.1	Infusion and transfusion
Air in system
E874.2	Kidney dialysis and other perfusion
E874.3	Endoscopic examination
E874.4	Aspiration of fluid or tissue, puncture, and catheterization
Abdominal paracentesis
Aspirating needle biopsy
Blood sampling
Lumbar puncture
Excludes:	heart catheterization (E874.5)
E874.5	Heart catheterization
E874.8	Other specified procedures
E874.9	Unspecified procedure
E875	Contaminated or infected blood, other fluid, drug, or biological substance
Includes:	presence of:
	bacterial pyrogens
	endotoxin-producing bacteria
	serum hepatitis-producing agent
E875.0	Contaminated substance transfused or infused
E875.1	Contaminated substance injected or used for vaccination
E875.2	Contaminated drug or biological substance administered by other means
E875.8	Other
E875.9	Unspecified
E876	Other and unspecified misadventures during medical care
E876.0	Mismatched blood in transfusion
E876.1	Wrong fluid in infusion
E876.2	Failure in suture and ligature during surgical operation
E876.3	Endotracheal tube wrongly placed during anesthetic procedure
E876.4	Failure to introduce or to remove other tube or instrument
Excludes:	foreign object left in body during procedure (E871.0-E871.9)
E876.5	Performance of inappropriate operation
E876.8	Other specified misadventures during medical care
Performance of inappropriate treatment NEC
E876.9	Unspecified misadventure during medical care


Includes:	procedures as the cause of abnormal reaction, such as:
displacement or malfunction of prosthetic device
hepatorenal failure, postoperative
malfunction of external stoma
postoperative intestinal obstruction
rejection of transplanted organ
Excludes:	anesthetic management properly carried out as the cause of adverse effect (E937.0-E938.9)
infusion and transfusion, without mention of misadventure in the technique of procedure (E930.0-E949.9)
E878	Surgical operation and other surgical procedures as the cause of
 abnormal reaction of patient, or of later complication, without mention of misadventure
 at the time of operation
E878.0	Surgical operation with transplant of whole organ
Transplantation of:
E878.1	Surgical operation with implant of artificial internal device
Cardiac pacemaker
Electrodes implanted in brain
Heart valve prosthesis
Internal orthopedic device
E878.2	Surgical operation with anastomosis, bypass, or graft, with natural or artificial
 tissues used as implant
Graft of blood vessel, tendon, or skin
Excludes:	external stoma (E878.3)
E878.3	Surgical operation with formation of external stoma
E878.4	Other restorative surgery
E878.5	Amputation of limb(s)
E878.6	Removal of other organ (partial) (total)
E878.8	Other specified surgical operations and procedures
E878.9	Unspecified surgical operations and procedures
E879	Other procedures, without mention of misadventure at the time of
 procedure, as the cause of abnormal reaction of patient, or of later complication
E879.0	Cardiac catheterization
E879.1	Kidney dialysis
E879.2	Radiological procedure and radiotherapy
Excludes:	radio-opaque dyes for diagnostic x-ray procedures (E947.8)
E879.3	Shock therapy
Electroshock therapy
Insulin-shock therapy
E879.4	Aspiration of fluid
Lumbar puncture
E879.5	Insertion of gastric or duodenal sound
E879.6	Urinary catheterization
E879.7	Blood sampling
E879.8	Other specified procedures
Blood transfusion
E879.9	Unspecified procedure


Excludes:	falls (in or from):
burning building (E890.8, E891.8)
into fire (E890.0-E899)
into water (with submersion or drowning) (E910.0-E910.9)
machinery (in operation) (E919.0-E919.9)
on edged, pointed, or sharp object (E920.0-E920.9)
transport vehicle (E800.0-E845.9)
vehicle not elsewhere classifiable (E846-E848)
E880	Fall on or from stairs or steps
E880.0	Escalator
E880.1	Fall on or from sidewalk curb
Excludes:	fall from moving sidewalk (E885.9)
E880.9	Other stairs or steps
E881	Fall on or from ladders or scaffolding
E881.0	Fall from ladder
E881.1	Fall from scaffolding
E882	Fall from or out of building or other structure
Fall from:
Fall through roof
Excludes:	collapse of a building or structure (E916)
fall or jump from burning building (E890.8, E891.8)
E883	Fall into hole or other opening in surface
Includes:	fall into:
swimming pool
Excludes:	fall into water NOS (E910.9)
that resulting in drowning or submersion without mention of injury (E910.0-E910.9)
E883.0	Accident from diving or jumping into water [swimming pool]
Strike or hit:
against bottom when jumping or diving into water
wall or board of swimming pool
water surface
Excludes:	diving with insufficient air supply (E913.2)
effects of air pressure from diving (E902.2)
E883.1	Accidental fall into well
E883.2	Accidental fall into storm drain or manhole
E883.9	Fall into other hole or other opening in surface
E884	Other fall from one level to another
E884.0	Fall from playground equipment
Excludes:	recreational machinery (E919.8)
E884.1	Fall from cliff
E884.2	Fall from chair
E884.3	Fall from wheelchair
E884.4	Fall from bed
E884.5	Fall from other furniture
E884.6	Fall from commode
E884.9	Other fall from one level to another
Fall from:
stationary vehicle
E885	Fall on same level from slipping, tripping, or stumbling
E885.0	Fall from (nonmotorized) scooter
E885.1	Fall from roller skates
In-line skates
E885.2	Fall from skateboard
E885.3	Fall from skis
E885.4	Fall from snowboard
E885.9	Fall from other slipping, tripping, or stumbling
Fall on moving sidewalk
E886	Fall on same level from collision, pushing, or shoving, by or with other person
Excludes:	crushed or pushed by a crowd or human stampede (E917.1, E917.6)
E886.0	In sports
Tackles in sports
Excludes:	kicked, stepped on, struck by object, in sports (E917.0, E917.5)
E886.9	Other and unspecified
Fall from collision of pedestrian (conveyance) with another pedestrian (conveyance)
E887	Fracture, cause unspecified
E888	Other and unspecified fall
Accidental fall NOS
Fall on same level NOS
E888.0	Fall resulting in striking against sharp object
Use additional external cause code to identify object (E920)
E888.1	Fall resulting in striking against other object
E888.8	Other fall
E888.9	Unspecified fall
Fall NOS


Includes:	asphyxia or poisoning due to conflagration or ignition
burning by fire
secondary fires resulting from explosion
Excludes:	arson (E968.0)
fire in or on:
machinery (in operation) (E919.0-E919.9)
transport vehicle other than stationary vehicle (E800.0-E845.9)
vehicle not elsewhere classifiable (E846-E848)
E890	Conflagration in private dwelling
Includes:	conflagration in:
boarding house
camping place
lodging house
mobile home
private garage
rooming house
conflagration originating from sources classifiable to E893-E898 in the above buildings
E890.0	Explosion caused by conflagration
E890.1	Fumes from combustion of polyvinylchloride [PVC] and similar material in conflagration
E890.2	Other smoke and fumes from conflagration
Carbon monoxide from conflagration in private building
Fumes NOS from conflagration in private building
Smoke NOS from conflagration in private building
E890.3	Burning caused by conflagration
E890.8	Other accident resulting from conflagration
Collapse of burning private building
Fall from burning private building
Hit by object falling from burning private building
Jump from burning private building
E890.9	Unspecified accident resulting from conflagration in private dwelling
E891	Conflagration in other and unspecified building or structure
Conflagration in:
convalescent and other residential home
dormitory of educational institution
farm outbuildings
Conflagration originating from sources classifiable to E893-E898, in the above buildings
E891.0	Explosion caused by conflagration
E891.1	Fumes from combustion of polyvinylchloride [PVC] and similar material in conflagration
E891.2	Other smoke and fumes from conflagration
Carbon monoxide from conflagration in building or structure
Fumes NOS from conflagration in building or structure
Smoke NOS from conflagration in building or structure
E891.3	Burning caused by conflagration
E891.8	Other accident resulting from conflagration
Collapse of burning building or structure
Fall from burning building or structure
Hit by object falling from burning building or structure
Jump from burning building or structure
E891.9	Unspecified accident resulting from conflagration of other and unspecified building or structure
E892	Conflagration not in building or structure
Fire (uncontrolled) (in) (of):
transport vehicle [any], except while in transit
E893	Accident caused by ignition of clothing
Excludes:	ignition of clothing:
from highly inflammable material (E894)
with conflagration (E890.0-E892)
E893.0	From controlled fire in private dwelling
Ignition of clothing from:
normal fire (charcoal) (coal) (electric) (gas) (wood) in:
brazier in private dwelling (as listed in E890)
fireplace in private dwelling (as listed in E890)
furnace in private dwelling (as listed in E890)
stove in private dwelling (as listed in E890)
E893.1	From controlled fire in other building or structure
Ignition of clothing from:
normal fire (charcoal) (coal) (electric) (gas) (wood) in:
brazier in other building or structure (as listed in E891)
fireplace in other building or structure (as listed in E891)
furnace in other building or structure (as listed in E891)
stove in other building or structure (as listed in E891)
E893.2	From controlled fire not in building or structure
Ignition of clothing from:
bonfire (controlled)
brazier fire (controlled), not in building or structure
trash fire (controlled)
Excludes:	conflagration not in building (E892)
trash fire out of control (E892)
E893.8	From other specified sources
Ignition of clothing from:
burning bedspread
welding torch
E893.9	Unspecified source
Ignition of clothing (from controlled fire NOS) (in building NOS) NOS
E894	Ignition of highly inflammable material
Ignition of:
benzine (with ignition of clothing)
gasoline (with ignition of clothing)
fat (with ignition of clothing)
kerosene (with ignition of clothing)
paraffin (with ignition of clothing)
petrol (with ignition of clothing)
Excludes:	ignition of highly inflammable material with:
conflagration (E890.0-E892)
explosion (E923.0-E923.9)
E895	Accident caused by controlled fire in private dwelling
Burning by (flame of) normal fire (charcoal) (coal) (electric) (gas) (wood) in:
brazier in private dwelling (as listed in E890)
fireplace in private dwelling (as listed in E890)
furnace in private dwelling (as listed in E890)
stove in private dwelling (as listed in E890)
Excludes:	burning by hot objects not producing fire or flames (E924.0-E924.9)
ignition of clothing from these sources (E893.0)
poisoning by carbon monoxide from incomplete combustion of fuel (E867-E868.9)
that with conflagration (E890.0-E890.9)
E896	Accident caused by controlled fire in other and unspecified building or structure
Burning by (flame of) normal fire (charcoal) (coal) (electric) (gas) (wood) in:
brazier in other building or structure (as listed in E891)
fireplace in other building or structure (as listed in E891)
furnace in other building or structure (as listed in E891)
stove in other building or structure (as listed in E891)
Excludes:	burning by hot objects not producing fire or flames (E924.0-E924.9)
ignition of clothing from these sources (E893.1)
poisoning by carbon monoxide from incomplete combustion of fuel (E867-E868.9)
that with conflagration (E891.0-E891.9)
E897	Accident caused by controlled fire not in building or structure
Burns from flame of:
bonfire (controlled)
brazier fire (controlled), not in building or structure
trash fire (controlled)
Excludes:	ignition of clothing from these sources (E893.2)
trash fire out of control (E892)
that with conflagration (E892)
E898	Accident caused by other specified fire and flames
Excludes:	conflagration (E890.0-E892)
that with ignition of:
clothing (E893.0-E893.9)
highly inflammable material (E894)
E898.0	Burning bedclothes
Bed set on fire NOS
E898.1	Other
Burning by:
fire in room NOS
welding torch
E899	Accident caused by unspecified fire
Burning NOS


E900	Excessive heat
E900.0	Due to weather conditions
Excessive heat as the external cause of:
ictus solaris
E900.1	Of man-made origin
Heat (in):
boiler room
drying room
furnace room
generated in transport vehicle
E900.9	Of unspecified origin
E901	Excessive cold
E901.0	Due to weather conditions
Excessive cold as the cause of:
chilblains NOS
immersion foot
E901.1	Of man-made origin
Contact with or inhalation of:
dry ice
liquid air
liquid hydrogen
liquid nitrogen
Prolonged exposure in:
deep freeze unit
E901.8	Other specified origin
E901.9	Of unspecified origin
E902	High and low air pressure and changes in air pressure
E902.0	Residence or prolonged visit at high altitude
Residence or prolonged visit at high altitude as the cause of:
Acosta syndrome
Alpine sickness
altitude sickness
Andes disease
anoxia, hypoxia
barotitis, barodontalgia, barosinusitis, otitic barotrauma
hypobarism, hypobaropathy
mountain sickness
range disease
E902.1	In aircraft
Sudden change in air pressure in aircraft during ascent or descent as the cause of:
aviators' disease
E902.2	Due to diving
High air pressure from rapid descent in water as the cause of:
caisson disease
divers' disease
divers' palsy or paralysis
Reduction in atmospheric pressure while surfacing from deep water diving as the cause of:
caisson disease
divers' disease
divers' palsy or paralysis
E902.8	Due to other specified causes
Reduction in atmospheric pressure while surfacing from underground
E902.9	Unspecified cause
E903	Travel and motion
E904	Hunger, thirst, exposure, and neglect
Excludes:	any condition resulting from homicidal intent (E968.0-E968.9)
hunger, thirst, and exposure resulting from accidents connected with transport (E800.0-E848)
E904.0	Abandonment or neglect of infants and helpless persons
Exposure to weather conditions resulting from abandonment or neglect
Hunger or thirst resulting from abandonment or neglect
Desertion of newborn
Inattention at or after birth
Lack of care (helpless person) (infant)
Excludes:	criminal [purposeful] neglect (E968.4)
E904.1	Lack of food
Lack of food as the cause of:
insufficient nourishment
Excludes:	hunger resulting from abandonment or neglect (E904.0)
E904.2	Lack of water
Lack of water as the cause of:
Excludes:	dehydration due to acute fluid loss (276.51)
E904.3	Exposure (to weather conditions), not elsewhere classifiable
Exposure NOS
Struck by hailstones
Excludes:	struck by lightning (E907)
E904.9	Privation, unqualified
E905	Venomous animals and plants as the cause of poisoning and toxic reactions
Includes:	chemical released by animal
release of venom through fangs, hairs, spines, tentacles, and other venom apparatus
Excludes:	eating of poisonous animals or plants (E865.0-E865.9)
E905.0	Venomous snakes and lizards
Copperhead snake
Coral snake
Fer de lance
Gila monster
Sea snake
Snake (venomous)
Water moccasin
Excludes:	bites of snakes and lizards known to be nonvenomous (E906.2)
E905.1	Venomous spiders
Black widow spider
Brown spider
Tarantula (venomous)
E905.2	Scorpion
E905.3	Hornets, wasps, and bees
Yellow jacket
E905.4	Centipede and venomous millipede (tropical)
E905.5	Other venomous arthropods
Sting of:
E905.6	Venomous marine animals and plants
Puncture by sea urchin spine
Sting of:
jelly fish
sea anemone
sea cucumber
other marine animal or plant
Excludes:	bites and other injuries caused by nonvenomous marine animal (E906.2-E906.8)
bite of sea snake (venomous) (E905.0)
E905.7	Poisoning and toxic reactions caused by other plants
Injection of poisons or toxins into or through skin by plant thorns, spines, or other mechanisms
Excludes:	puncture wound NOS by plant thorns or spines (E920.8)
E905.8	Other specified
E905.9	Unspecified
Sting NOS
Venomous bite NOS
E906	Other injury caused by animals
Excludes:	poisoning and toxic reactions caused by venomous animals and insects (E905.0-E905.9)
road vehicle accident involving animals (E827.0-E828.9)
tripping or falling over an animal (E885.9)
E906.0	Dog bite
E906.1	Rat bite
E906.2	Bite of nonvenomous snakes and lizards
E906.3	Bite of other animal except arthropod
Moray eel
Rodents, except rats
E906.4	Bite of nonvenomous arthropod
Insect bite NOS
E906.5	Bite by unspecified animal
Animal bite NOS
E906.8	Other specified injury caused by animal
Butted by animal
Fallen on by horse or other animal, not being ridden
Gored by animal
Implantation of quills of porcupine
Pecked by bird
Run over by animal, not being ridden
Stepped on by animal, not being ridden
Excludes:	injury by animal being ridden (E828.0-E828.9)
E906.9	Unspecified injury caused by animal
E907	Lightning
Excludes:	injury from:
fall of tree or other object caused by lightning (E916)
fire caused by lightning (E890.0-E892)
E908	Cataclysmic storms, and floods resulting from storms
Excludes:	collapse of dam or man-made structure causing flood (E909.3)
E908.0	Hurricane
Storm surge
"Tidal wave" caused by storm action
E908.1	Tornado
E908.2	Floods
Torrential rainfall
Flash flood
Excludes:	collapse of dam or man-made structure causing flood (E909.3)
E908.3	Blizzard (snow) (ice)
E908.4	Dust storm
E908.8	Other cataclysmic storms
E908.9	Unspecified cataclysmic storms, and floods resulting from storms
Storm NOS
E909	Cataclysmic earth surface movements and eruptions
E909.0	Earthquakes
E909.1	Volcanic eruptions
Burns from lava
Ash inhalation
E909.2	Avalanche, landslide, or mudslide
E909.3	Collapse of dam or man-made structure
E909.4	Tidalwave caused by earthquake
Tidalwave NOS
Excludes:	tidalwave caused by tropical storm (E908.0)
E909.8	Other cataclysmic earth surface movements and eruptions
E909.9	Unspecified cataclysmic earth surface movements and eruptions


E910	Accidental drowning and submersion
Includes:	immersion
swimmers' cramp
Excludes:	diving accident (NOS) (resulting in injury except drowning) (E883.0)
diving with insufficient air supply (E913.2)
drowning and submersion due to:
cataclysm (E908-E909)
machinery accident (E919.0-E919.9)
transport accident (E800.0-E845.9)
effect of high and low air pressure (E902.2)
injury from striking against objects while in running water (E917.2)
E910.0	While water-skiing
Fall from water skis with submersion or drowning
Excludes:	accident to water-skier involving a watercraft and resulting in submersion
 or other injury (E830.4, E831.4)
E910.1	While engaged in other sport or recreational activity with diving equipment
Scuba diving NOS
Skin diving NOS
Underwater spear fishing NOS
E910.2	While engaged in other sport or recreational activity without diving equipment
Fishing or hunting, except from boat or with diving equipment
Ice skating
Playing in water
Swimming NOS
Voluntarily jumping from boat, not involved in accident, for swim NOS
Wading in water
Excludes:	jumping into water to rescue another person (E910.3)
E910.3	While swimming or diving for purposes other than recreation or sport
Marine salvage (with diving equipment)
Pearl diving (with diving equipment)
Placement of fishing nets (with diving equipment)
Rescue (attempt) of another person (with diving equipment)
Underwater construction or repairs (with diving equipment)
E910.4	In bathtub
E910.8	Other accidental drowning or submersion
Drowning in:
quenching tank
swimming pool
E910.9	Unspecified accidental drowning or submersion
Accidental fall into water NOS
Drowning NOS
E911	Inhalation and ingestion of food causing obstruction of respiratory tract or
Aspiration and inhalation of food [any] (into respiratory tract) NOS
Asphyxia by food [including bone, seed in food, regurgitated food]
Choked on food [including bone, seed in food, regurgitated food]
Suffocation by food [including bone, seed in food, regurgitated food]
Compression of trachea by food lodged in esophagus
Interruption of respiration by food lodged in esophagus
Obstruction of respiration by food lodged in esophagus
Obstruction of pharynx by food (bolus)
Excludes:	injury, except asphyxia and obstruction of respiratory passage, caused by
 food (E915)
obstruction of esophagus by food without mention of asphyxia or obstruction of respiratory
 passage (E915)
E912	Inhalation and ingestion of other object causing obstruction of respiratory tract or
Aspiration and inhalation of foreign body except food (into respiratory tract) NOS
Foreign object [bean] [marble] in nose
Obstruction of pharynx by foreign body
Compression by foreign body in esophagus
Interruption of respiration by foreign body in esophagus
Obstruction of respiration by foreign body in esophagus
Excludes:	injury, except asphyxia and obstruction of respiratory passage, caused by
 foreign body (E915)
obstruction of esophagus by foreign body without mention of asphyxia or obstruction in
 respiratory passage (E915)
E913	Accidental mechanical suffocation
Excludes:	mechanical suffocation from or by:
accidental inhalation or ingestion of:
food (E911)
foreign object (E912)
cataclysm (E908-E909)
explosion (E921.0-E921.9, E923.0-E923.9)
machinery accident (E919.0-E919.9)
E913.0	In bed or cradle
Excludes:	suffocation by plastic bag (E913.1)
E913.1	By plastic bag
E913.2	Due to lack of air (in closed place)
Accidentally closed up in refrigerator or other airtight enclosed space
Diving with insufficient air supply
Excludes:	suffocation by plastic bag (E913.1)
E913.3	By falling earth or other substance
Cave-in NOS
Excludes:	cave-in caused by cataclysmic earth surface movements and eruptions (E909.8)
struck by cave-in without asphyxiation or suffocation (E916)
E913.8	Other specified means
Accidental hanging, except in bed or cradle
E913.9	Unspecified means
Asphyxia, mechanical NOS
Strangulation NOS
Suffocation NOS
E914	Foreign body accidentally entering eye and adnexa
Excludes:	corrosive liquid (E924.1)
E915	Foreign body accidentally entering other orifice
Excludes:	aspiration and inhalation of foreign body, any, (into respiratory tract)
 NOS (E911-E912)


E916	Struck accidentally by falling object
Collapse of building, except on fire
snowslide NOS
Object falling from:
machine, not in operation
stationary vehicle
Code first:	collapse of building on fire (E890.0-E891.9)
falling object in:
cataclysm (E908-E909)
machinery accidents (E919.0-E919.9)
transport accidents (E800.0-E845.9)
vehicle accidents not elsewhere classifiable (E846-E848)
object set in motion by:
explosion (E921.0-E921.9, E923.0-E923.9)
firearm (E922.0-E922.9)
projected object (E917.0-E917.9)
E917	Striking against or struck accidentally by objects or persons
Includes:	bumping into or against
object (moving) (projected) (stationary)
pedestrian conveyance
colliding with
object (moving) (projected) (stationary)
pedestrian conveyance
kicking against
object (moving) (projected) (stationary)
pedestrian conveyance
stepping on
object (moving) (projected) (stationary)
pedestrian conveyance
struck by
object (moving) (projected) (stationary)
pedestrian conveyance
Excludes:	fall from:
collision with another person, except when caused by a crowd (E886.0-E886.9)
stumbling over object (E885.9)
fall resulting in striking against object (E888.0-E888.1)
injury caused by:
assault (E960.0-E960.1, E967.0-E967.9)
cutting or piercing instrument (E920.0-E920.9)
explosion (E921.0-E921.9, E923.0-E923.9)
firearm (E922.0-E922.9)
machinery (E919.0-E919.9)
transport vehicle (E800.0-E845.9)
vehicle not elsewhere classifiable (E846-E848)
E917.0	In sports without subsequent fall
Kicked or stepped on during game (football) (rugby)
Struck by hit or thrown ball
Struck by hockey stick or puck
E917.1	Caused by a crowd, by collective fear or panic without subsequent fall
Crushed by crowd or human stampede
Pushed by crowd or human stampede
Stepped on by crowd or human stampede
E917.2	In running water without subsequent fall

Excludes:	drowning or submersion (E910.0-E910.9) that in sports (E917.0, E917.5)
E917.3	Furniture without subsequent fall
Excludes:	fall from furniture (E884.2, E884.4-E884.5)
E917.4	Other stationary object without subsequent fall
Bath tub
E917.5	Object in sports with subsequent fall
Knocked down while boxing
E917.6	Caused by a crowd, by collective fear or panic with subsequent fall
E917.7	Furniture with subsequent fall
Excludes:	fall from furniture (E884.2, E884.4-E884.5)
E917.8	Other stationary object with subsequent fall
Bath tub
E917.9	Other striking against with or without subsequent fall
E918	Caught accidentally in or between objects
Caught, crushed, jammed, or pinched in or between moving or stationary objects, such as:
folding object
hand tools, appliances, or implements
sliding door and door frame
under packing crate
washing machine wringer
Excludes:	injury caused by:
cutting or piercing instrument (E920.0-E920.9)
machinery (E919.0-E919.9)
transport vehicle (E800.0-E845.9)
vehicle not elsewhere classifiable (E846-E848)
struck accidentally by:
falling object (E916)
object (moving) (projected) (E917.0-E917.9)
E919	Accidents caused by machinery
Includes:	burned by machinery (accident)
caught in (moving parts of) machinery (accident)
collapse of machinery (accident)
crushed by machinery (accident)
cut or pierced by machinery (accident)
drowning or submersion caused by machinery (accident)
explosion of, on, in machinery (accident)
fall from or into moving part of machinery (accident)
fire starting in or on machinery (accident)
mechanical suffocation caused by machinery (accident)
object falling from, on, in motion by machinery (accident)
overturning of machinery (accident)
pinned under machinery (accident)
run over by machinery (accident)
struck by machinery (accident)
thrown from machinery (accident)
caught between machinery and other object
machinery accident NOS
Excludes:	accidents involving machinery, not in operation (E884.9, E916-E918)
injury caused by:
electric current in connection with machinery (E925.0-E925.9)
escalator (E880.0, E918)
explosion of pressure vessel in connection with machinery (E921.0-E921.9)
moving sidewalk (E885.9)
powered hand tools, appliances, and implements (E916-E918, E920.0-E921.9, E923.0-E926.9)
transport vehicle accidents involving machinery (E800.0-E848.9)
poisoning by carbon monoxide generated by machine (E868.8)
E919.0	Agricultural machines
Animal-powered agricultural machine
Derrick, hay
Farm machinery NOS
Farm tractor
Hay mower or rake
Excludes:	that in transport under own power on the highway (E810.0-E819.9)
that being towed by another vehicle on the highway (E810.0-E819.9, E827.0-E827.9, E829.0-E829.9)
that involved in accident classifiable to E820-E829 (E820.0-E829.9)
E919.1	Mining and earth-drilling machinery
Bore or drill (land) (seabed)
Shaft hoist
Shaft lift
Excludes:	coal car, tram, truck, and tub in mine (E846)
E919.2	Lifting machines and appliances
Chain hoist except in agricultural or mining operations
Crane except in agricultural or mining operations
Derrick except in agricultural or mining operations
Elevator (building) (grain) except in agricultural or mining operations
Forklift truck except in agricultural or mining operations
Lift except in agricultural or mining operations
Pulley block except in agricultural or mining operations
Winch except in agricultural or mining operations
Excludes:	that being towed by another vehicle on the highway (E810.0-E819.9,
 E827.0-E827.9, E829.0-E829.9)
that in transport under own power on the highway (E810.0-E819.9)
that involved in accident classifiable to E820-E829 (E820.0-E829.9)
E919.3	Metalworking machines
Abrasive wheel
Forging machine
Mechanical shears
drilling machine
milling machine
power press
sawing machine
E919.4	Woodworking and forming machines
Band saw
Bench saw
Circular saw
Molding machine
Overhead plane
Powered saw
Radial saw
Excludes:	hand saw (E920.1)
E919.5	Prime movers, except electrical motors
Gas turbine
Internal combustion engine
Steam engine
Water driven turbine
Excludes:	that being towed by other vehicle on the highway (E810.0-E819.9,
 E827.0-E827.9, E829.0-E829.9)
that in transport under own power on the highway (E810.0-E819.9)
E919.6	Transmission machinery
E919.7	Earth moving, scraping, and other excavating machines
Road scraper
Steam shovel
Excludes:	that being towed by other vehicle on the highway (E810.0-E819.9)
that in transport under own power on the highway (E810.0-E819.9)
E919.8	Other specified machinery
Machines for manufacture of:
foodstuffs and beverages
Printing machine
Recreational machinery
Spinning, weaving, and textile machines
E919.9	Unspecified machinery
E920	Accidents caused by cutting and piercing instruments or objects
Includes:	accidental injury (by) object:
E920.0	Powered lawn mower
E920.1	Other powered hand tools
Any powered hand tool [compressed air] [electric] [explosive cartridge] [hydraulic power],
 such as:
hand saw
hedge clipper
rivet gun
snow blower
staple gun
Excludes:	band saw (E919.4)
bench saw (E919.4)
E920.2	Powered household appliances and implements
beater or mixer
can opener
sewing machine
Garbage disposal appliance
E920.3	Knives, swords, and daggers
E920.4	Other hand tools and implements
Can opener NOS
Hand saw
Ice pick
Needle (sewing)
Paper cutter
Sewing machine, not powered
E920.5	Hypodermic needle
Contaminated needle
Needle stick
E920.8	Other specified cutting and piercing instruments or objects
Broken glass
Edge of stiff paper
Lathe turnings
Plant thorn
Tin can lid
Excludes:	animal spines or quills (E906.8)
flying glass due to explosion (E921.0-E923.9)
E920.9	Unspecified cutting and piercing instrument or object
E921	Accident caused by explosion of pressure vessel
Includes:	accidental explosion of pressure vessels, whether or not part of machinery
Excludes:	explosion of pressure vessel on transport vehicle (E800.0-E845.9)
E921.0	Boilers
E921.1	Gas cylinders
Air tank
Pressure gas tank
E921.8	Other specified pressure vessels
Aerosol can
Automobile tire
Pressure cooker
E921.9	Unspecified pressure vessel
E922	Accident caused by firearm and air gun missile
E922.0	Handgun
Excludes:	Verey pistol (E922.8)
E922.1	Shotgun (automatic)
E922.2	Hunting rifle
E922.3	Military firearms
Army rifle
Machine gun
E922.4	Air gun
BB gun
Pellet gun
E922.5	Paintball gun
E922.8	Other specified firearm missile
Verey pistol [flare]
E922.9	Unspecified firearm missile
Gunshot wound NOS
Shot NOS
E923	Accident caused by explosive material
Includes:	flash burns and other injuries resulting from explosion of explosive material
ignition of highly explosive material with explosion
Excludes:	explosion:
in or on machinery (E919.0-E919.9)
on any transport vehicle, except stationary motor vehicle (E800.0-E848)
with conflagration (E890.0, E891.0, E892)
secondary fires resulting from explosion (E890.0-E899)
E923.0	Fireworks
E923.1	Blasting materials
Blasting cap
Explosive [any] used in blasting operations
E923.2	Explosive gases
Coal gas
Explosion in mine NOS
Fire damp
Gasoline fumes
E923.8	Other explosive materials
Explosive missile
Explosion in munitions:
E923.9	Unspecified explosive material
Explosion NOS
E924	Accident caused by hot substance or object, caustic or corrosive material, and steam
Excludes:	burning NOS (E899)
chemical burn resulting from swallowing a corrosive substance (E860.0-E864.4)
fire caused by these substances and objects (E890.0-E894)
radiation burns (E926.0-E926.9)
therapeutic misadventures (E870.0-E876.9)
E924.0	Hot liquids and vapors, including steam
Burning or scalding by:
boiling water
hot or boiling liquids not primarily caustic or corrosive
liquid metal
other hot vapor
Excludes:	hot (boiling) tap water (E924.2)
E924.1	Caustic and corrosive substances
Burning by:
acid [any kind]
caustic oven cleaner or other substance
corrosive substance
E924.2	Hot (boiling) tap water
E924.8	Other
Burning by:
heat from electric heating appliance
hot object NOS
light bulb
steam pipe
E924.9	Unspecified
E925	Accident caused by electric current
Includes:	electric current from exposed wire, faulty appliance, high voltage cable,
 live rail, or open electric socket as the cause of:
cardiac fibrillation
electric shock
puncture wound
respiratory paralysis
Excludes:	burn by heat from electrical appliance (E924.8)
lightning (E907)
E925.0	Domestic wiring and appliances
E925.1	Electric power generating plants, distribution stations, transmission lines
Broken power line
E925.2	Industrial wiring, appliances, and electrical machinery
Control apparatus
Electrical equipment and machinery
E925.8	Other electric current
Wiring and appliances in or on:
farm [not farmhouse]
public building
residential institutions
E925.9	Unspecified electric current
Burns or other injury from electric current NOS
Electric shock NOS
Electrocution NOS
E926	Exposure to radiation
Excludes:	abnormal reaction to or complication of treatment without mention of
 misadventure (E879.2)
atomic power plant malfunction in water transport (E838.0-E838.9)
misadventure to patient in surgical and medical procedures (E873.2-E873.3)
use of radiation in war operations (E996-E997.9)
E926.0	Radiofrequency radiation
Overexposure to:
microwave radiation from:
high-powered radio and television transmitters
industrial radiofrequency induction heaters
radar installations
radar radiation from:
high-powered radio and television transmitters
industrial radiofrequency induction heaters
radar installations
radiofrequency from:
high-powered radio and television transmitters
industrial radiofrequency induction heaters
radar installations
radiofrequency radiation [any] from:
high-powered radio and television transmitters
industrial radiofrequency induction heaters
radar installations
E926.1	Infra-red heaters and lamps
Exposure to infra-red radiation from heaters and lamps as the cause of:
inflammatory change
Excludes:	physical contact with heater or lamp (E924.8)
E926.2	Visible and ultraviolet light sources
Arc lamps
Black light sources
Electrical welding arc
Oxygas welding torch
Sun rays
Tanning bed
Excludes:	excessive heat from these sources (E900.1-E900.9)
E926.3	X-rays and other electromagnetic ionizing radiation
Gamma rays
X-rays (hard) (soft)
E926.4	Lasers
E926.5	Radioactive isotopes
E926.8	Other specified radiation
Artificially accelerated beams of ionized particles generated by:
E926.9	Unspecified radiation
Radiation NOS
E927	Overexertion and strenuous movements
Excessive physical exercise
Overexertion (from):
Strenuous movements in:
recreational activities
other activities
E928	Other and unspecified environmental and accidental causes
E928.0	Prolonged stay in weightless environment
Weightlessness in spacecraft (simulator)
E928.1	Exposure to noise
Noise (pollution)
Sound waves
Supersonic waves
E928.2	Vibration
E928.3	Human bite
E928.4	External constriction caused by hair
E928.5	External constriction caused by other object
E928.6	Environmental exposure to harmful algae and toxins
Algae bloom NOS
Blue-green algae bloom
Brown tide
Cyanobacteria bloom
Florida red tide
Harmful algae bloom
Pfisteria piscicida
Red tide
E928.8	Other
E928.9	Unspecified accident
Accident NOS stated as accidentally inflicted
Blow NOS stated as accidentally inflicted
Casualty (not due to war) stated as accidentally inflicted
Decapitation stated as accidentally inflicted
Injury [any part of body, or unspecified] stated as accidentally inflicted, but not otherwise
Killed stated as accidentally inflicted, but not otherwise specified
Knocked down stated as accidentally inflicted, but not otherwise specified
Mangled stated as accidentally inflicted, but not otherwise specified
Wound stated as accidentally inflicted, but not otherwise specified
Excludes:	fracture, cause unspecified (E887)
injuries undetermined whether accidentally or purposely inflicted (E980.0-E989)


Note:	This category is to be used to indicate accidental injury as the cause of death or
 disability from late effects, which are themselves classifiable elsewhere. The "late effects"
 include conditions reported as such or as sequelae, which may occur at any time  after the
 acute accidental injury.
E929	Late effects of accidental injury
Excludes:	late effects of:
surgical and medical procedures (E870.0-E879.9)
therapeutic use of drugs and medicines (E930.0-E949.9)
E929.0	Late effects of motor vehicle accident
Late effects of accidents classifiable to E810-E825
E929.1	Late effects of other transport accident
Late effects of accidents classifiable to E800-E807, E826-E838, E840-E848
E929.2	Late effects of accidental poisoning
Late effects of accidents classifiable to E850-E858, E860-E869
E929.3	Late effects of accidental fall
Late effects of accidents classifiable to E880-E888
E929.4	Late effects of accident caused by fire
Late effects of accidents classifiable to E890-E899
E929.5	Late effects of accident due to natural and environmental factors
Late effects of accidents classifiable to E900-E909
E929.8	Late effects of other accidents
Late effects of accidents classifiable to E910-E928.8
E929.9	Late effects of unspecified accident
Late effects of accidents classifiable to E928.9


Includes:	correct drug properly administered in therapeutic or prophylactic dosage, as
 the cause of any adverse effect including allergic or hypersensitivity reactions
Excludes:	accidental overdose of drug and wrong drug given or taken in error (E850.0-
accidents in the technique of administration of drug or biological substance such as accidental
 puncture during injection, or contamination of drug (E870.0-E876.9)
administration with suicidal or homicidal intent or intent to harm, or in circumstances
 classifiable to E980-E989 (E950.0-E950.5, E962.0, E980.0-E980.5)
See Alphabetic Index for more complete list of specific drugs to be classified under the
 fourth-digit subdivisions. The American Hospital Formulary numbers can be used to classify
 new drugs listed by the American Hospital Formulary Service (AHFS).  See appendix C.
E930	Antibiotics
Excludes:	that used as eye, ear, nose, and throat [ENT], and local anti-infectives
E930.0	Penicillins
Semisynthetic, such as:
E930.1	Antifungal antibiotics
Amphotericin B
Hachimycin [trichomycin]
E930.2	Chloramphenicol group
E930.3	Erythromycin and other macrolides
E930.4	Tetracycline group
E930.5	Cephalosporin group
E930.6	Antimycobacterial antibiotics
E930.7	Antineoplastic antibiotics
Actinomycins, such as:
Excludes:	other antineoplastic drugs (E933.1)
E930.8	Other specified antibiotics
E930.9	Unspecified antibiotic
E931	Other anti-infectives
Excludes:	ENT, and local anti-infectives (E946.0-E946.9)
E931.0	Sulfonamides
E931.1	Arsenical anti-infectives
E931.2	Heavy metal anti-infectives
Compounds of:
Excludes:	mercurial diuretics (E944.0)
E931.3	Quinoline and hydroxyquinoline derivatives
Excludes:	antimalarial drugs (E931.4)
E931.4	Antimalarials and drugs acting on other blood protozoa
Chloroquine phosphate
Proguanil [chloroguanide]
Quinine (sulphate)
E931.5	Other antiprotozoal drugs
E931.6	Anthelmintics
Male fern oleoresin
E931.7	Antiviral drugs
Excludes:	amantadine (E936.4)
cytarabine (E933.1)
idoxuridine (E946.5)
E931.8	Other antimycobacterial drugs
Para-aminosalicylic acid derivatives
E931.9	Other and unspecified anti-infectives
Nitrofuran derivatives
E932	Hormones and synthetic substitutes
E932.0	Adrenal cortical steroids
Cortisone derivatives
Desoxycorticosterone derivatives
Fluorinated corticosteroids
E932.1	Androgens and anabolic congeners
Nandrolone phenpropionate
Testosterone and preparations
E932.2	Ovarian hormones and synthetic substitutes
Contraceptives, oral
Estrogens and progestogens combined
E932.3	Insulins and antidiabetic agents
Biguanide derivatives, oral
Sulfonylurea derivatives, oral
Excludes:	adverse effect of insulin administered for shock therapy (E879.3)
E932.4	Anterior pituitary hormones
Somatotropin [growth hormone]
E932.5	Posterior pituitary hormones
Excludes:	oxytocic agents (E945.0)
E932.6	Parathyroid and parathyroid derivatives
E932.7	Thyroid and thyroid derivatives
Levothyroxine sodium
E932.8	Antithyroid agents
E932.9	Other and unspecified hormones and synthetic substitutes
E933	Primarily systemic agents
E933.0	Antiallergic and antiemetic drugs
Excludes:	phenothiazine-based tranquilizers (E939.1)
E933.1	Antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs
Mechlorethamine hydrochloride
Triethylenethiophosphoramide [thio-TEPA]
Excludes:	antineoplastic antibiotics (E930.7)
E933.2	Acidifying agents
E933.3	Alkalizing agents
E933.4	Enzymes, not elsewhere classified
E933.5	Vitamins, not elsewhere classified
Vitamin A
Vitamin D
Excludes:	nicotinic acid (E942.2)
vitamin K (E934.3)
E933.6	Oral bisphosphonates
E933.7	Intravenous bisphosphonates
E933.8	Other systemic agents, not elsewhere classified
Heavy metal antagonists
E933.9	Unspecified systemic agent
E934	Agents primarily affecting blood constituents
E934.0	Iron and its compounds
Ferric salts
Ferrous sulphate and other ferrous salts
E934.1	Liver preparations and other antianemic agents
Folic acid
E934.2	Anticoagulants
Prothrombin synthesis inhibitor
Warfarin sodium
E934.3	Vitamin K [phytonadione]
E934.4	Fibrinolysis-affecting drugs
Aminocaproic acid
E934.5	Anticoagulant antagonists and other coagulants
Hexadimethrine bromide
Protamine sulfate
E934.6	Gamma globulin
E934.7	Natural blood and blood products
Blood plasma
Human fibrinogen
Packed red cells
Whole blood
E934.8	Other agents affecting blood constituents
Macromolecular blood substitutes
E934.9	Unspecified agent affecting blood constituents
E935	Analgesics, antipyretics, and antirheumatics
E935.0	Heroin
E935.1	Methadone
E935.2	Other opiates and related narcotics
Codeine [methylmorphine]
Opium (alkaloids)
Meperidine [pethidine]
E935.3	Salicylates
Acetylsalicylic acid [aspirin]
Amino derivatives of salicylic acid
Salicylic acid salts
E935.4	Aromatic analgesics, not elsewhere classified
Paracetamol [acetaminophen]
Phenacetin [acetophenetidin]
E935.5	Pyrazole derivatives
Aminophenazone [aminopyrine]
E935.6	Antirheumatics [antiphlogistics]
Gold salts
Excludes:	salicylates (E935.3)
steroids (E932.0)
E935.7	Other non-narcotic analgesics
E935.8	Other specified analgesics and antipyretics
E935.9	Unspecified analgesic and antipyretic
E936	Anticonvulsants and anti-Parkinsonism drugs
E936.0	Oxazolidine derivatives
E936.1	Hydantoin derivatives
E936.2	Succinimides
E936.3	Other and unspecified anticonvulsants
E936.4	Anti-Parkinsonism drugs
Ethopropazine [profenamine]
Levodopa [L-dopa]
E937	Sedatives and hypnotics
E937.0	Barbiturates
Amobarbital [amylobarbitone]
Barbital [barbitone]
Butabarbital [butabarbitone]
Pentobarbital [pentobarbitone]
Phenobarbital [phenobarbitone]
Secobarbital [quinalbarbitone]
Excludes:	thiobarbiturates (E938.3)
E937.1	Chloral hydrate group
E937.2	Paraldehyde
E937.3	Bromine compounds
Carbromal (derivatives)
E937.4	Methaqualone compounds
E937.5	Glutethimide group
E937.6	Mixed sedatives, not elsewhere classified
E937.8	Other sedatives and hypnotics
E937.9	Unspecified
drug NOS
pill NOS
tablet NOS
E938	Other central nervous system depressants and anesthetics
E938.0	Central nervous system muscle-tone depressants
Chlorphenesin (carbamate)
E938.1	Halothane
E938.2	Other gaseous anesthetics
Halogenated hydrocarbon derivatives, except halothane
Nitrous oxide
E938.3	Intravenous anesthetics
Methohexital [methohexitone]
Thiobarbiturates, such as thiopental sodium
E938.4	Other and unspecified general anesthetics
E938.5	Surface and infiltration anesthetics
Lidocaine [lignocaine]
E938.6	Peripheral nerve- and plexus-blocking anesthetics
E938.7	Spinal anesthetics
E938.9	Other and unspecified local anesthetics
E939	Psychotropic agents
E939.0	Antidepressants
Monoamine oxidase [MAO] inhibitors
E939.1	Phenothiazine-based tranquilizers
E939.2	Butyrophenone-based tranquilizers
E939.3	Other antipsychotics, neuroleptics, and major tranquilizers
E939.4	Benzodiazepine-based tranquilizers
E939.5	Other tranquilizers
E939.6	Psychodysleptics [hallucinogens]
Cannabis (derivatives)
Lysergide [LSD]
Marihuana (derivatives)
E939.7	Psychostimulants
Excludes:	central appetite depressants (E947.0)
E939.8	Other psychotropic agents
E939.9	Unspecified psychotropic agent
E940	Central nervous system stimulants
E940.0	Analeptics
E940.1	Opiate antagonists
E940.8	Other specified central nervous system stimulants
E940.9	Unspecified central nervous system stimulant
E941	Drugs primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system
E941.0	Parasympathomimetics [cholinergics]
E941.1	Parasympatholytics [anticholinergics and antimuscarinics] and spasmolytics
Hyoscine [scopolamine]
Quaternary ammonium derivatives
Excludes:	papaverine (E942.5)
E941.2	Sympathomimetics [adrenergics]
Epinephrine [adrenalin]
Levarterenol [noradrenalin]
E941.3	Sympatholytics [antiadrenergics]
Tolazoline hydrochloride
E941.9	Unspecified drug primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system
E942	Agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system
E942.0	Cardiac rhythm regulators
E942.1	Cardiotonic glycosides and drugs of similar action
Digitalis glycosides
E942.2	Antilipemic and antiarteriosclerotic drugs
Nicotinic acid derivatives
Excludes:	dextrothyroxine (E932.7)
E942.3	Ganglion-blocking agents
Pentamethonium bromide
E942.4	Coronary vasodilators
Nitrates [nitroglycerin]
E942.5	Other vasodilators
E942.6	Other antihypertensive agents
Rauwolfia alkaloids
E942.7	Antivaricose drugs, including sclerosing agents
Zinc salts
E942.8	Capillary-active drugs
Adrenochrome derivatives
E942.9	Other and unspecified agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system
E943	Agents primarily affecting gastrointestinal system
E943.0	Antacids and antigastric secretion drugs
Aluminum hydroxide
Magnesium trisilicate
E943.1	Irritant cathartics
Castor oil
E943.2	Emollient cathartics
Sodium dioctyl sulfosuccinate
E943.3	Other cathartics, including intestinal atonia drugs
Magnesium sulfate
E943.4	Digestants
E943.5	Antidiarrheal drugs
Bismuth subcarbonate
Excludes:	anti-infectives (E930.0-E931.9)
E943.6	Emetics
E943.8	Other specified agents primarily affecting the gastrointestinal system
E943.9	Unspecified agent primarily affecting the gastrointestinal system
E944	Water, mineral, and uric acid metabolism drugs
E944.0	Mercurial diuretics
E944.1	Purine derivative diuretics
Excludes:	aminophylline [theophylline ethylenediamine] (E945.7)
E944.2	Carbonic acid anhydrase inhibitors
E944.3	Saluretics
Chlorothiazide group
E944.4	Other diuretics
Ethacrynic acid
E944.5	Electrolytic, caloric, and water-balance agents
E944.6	Other mineral salts, not elsewhere classified
E944.7	Uric acid metabolism drugs
Cinchophen and congeners
E945	Agents primarily acting on the smooth and skeletal muscles and respiratory system
E945.0	Oxytocic agents
Ergot alkaloids
E945.1	Smooth muscle relaxants
Metaproterenol [orciprenaline]
Excludes:	papaverine (E942.5)
E945.2	Skeletal muscle relaxants
Alcuronium chloride
Suxamethonium chloride
E945.3	Other and unspecified drugs acting on muscles
E945.4	Antitussives
Pipazethate hydrochloride
E945.5	Expectorants
Guaifenesin [glyceryl guaiacolate]
Terpin hydrate
E945.6	Anti-common cold drugs
E945.7	Antiasthmatics
Aminophylline [theophylline ethylenediamine]
E945.8	Other and unspecified respiratory drugs
E946	Agents primarily affecting skin and mucous membrane, ophthalmological, 
otorhinolaryngological, and dental drugs
E946.0	Local anti-infectives and anti-inflammatory drugs
E946.1	Antipruritics
E946.2	Local astringents and local detergents
E946.3	Emollients, demulcents, and protectants
E946.4	Keratolytics, keratoplastics, other hair treatment drugs and preparations
E946.5	Eye anti-infectives and other eye drugs
E946.6	Anti-infectives and other drugs and preparations for ear, nose, and throat
E946.7	Dental drugs topically applied
E946.8	Other agents primarily affecting skin and mucous membrane
E946.9	Unspecified agent primarily affecting skin and mucous membrane
E947	Other and unspecified drugs and medicinal substances
E947.0	Dietetics
E947.1	Lipotropic drugs
E947.2	Antidotes and chelating agents, not elsewhere classified
E947.3	Alcohol deterrents
E947.4	Pharmaceutical excipients
E947.8	Other drugs and medicinal substances
Contrast media used for diagnostic x-ray procedures
Diagnostic agents and kits
E947.9	Unspecified drug or medicinal substance
E948	Bacterial vaccines
E948.0	BCG vaccine
E948.1	Typhoid and paratyphoid
E948.2	Cholera
E948.3	Plague
E948.4	Tetanus
E948.5	Diphtheria
E948.6	Pertussis vaccine, including combinations with a pertussis component
E948.8	Other and unspecified bacterial vaccines
E948.9	Mixed bacterial vaccines, except combinations with a pertussis component
E949	Other vaccines and biological substances
Excludes:	gamma globulin (E934.6)
E949.0	Smallpox vaccine
E949.1	Rabies vaccine
E949.2	Typhus vaccine
E949.3	Yellow fever vaccine
E949.4	Measles vaccine
E949.5	Poliomyelitis vaccine
E949.6	Other and unspecified viral and rickettsial vaccines
Mumps vaccine
E949.7	Mixed viral-rickettsial and bacterial vaccines, except combinations with a pertussis
Excludes:	combinations with a pertussis component (E948.6)
E949.9	Other and unspecified vaccines and biological substances


Includes:	injuries in suicide and attempted suicide
self-inflicted injuries specified as intentional
E950	Suicide and self-inflicted poisoning by solid or liquid substances
E950.0	Analgesics, antipyretics, and antirheumatics
E950.1	Barbiturates
E950.2	Other sedatives and hypnotics
E950.3	Tranquilizers and other psychotropic agents
E950.4	Other specified drugs and medicinal substances
E950.5	Unspecified drug or medicinal substance
E950.6	Agricultural and horticultural chemical and pharmaceutical preparations other than
 plant foods and fertilizers
E950.7	Corrosive and caustic substances
Suicide and self-inflicted poisoning by substances classifiable to E864
E950.8	Arsenic and its compounds
E950.9	Other and unspecified solid and liquid substances
E951	Suicide and self-inflicted poisoning by gases in domestic use
E951.0	Gas distributed by pipeline
E951.1	Liquefied petroleum gas distributed in mobile containers
E951.8	Other utility gas
E952	Suicide and self-inflicted poisoning by other gases and vapors
E952.0	Motor vehicle exhaust gas
E952.1	Other carbon monoxide
E952.8	Other specified gases and vapors
E952.9	Unspecified gases and vapors
E953	Suicide and self-inflicted injury by hanging, strangulation, and suffocation
E953.0	Hanging
E953.1	Suffocation by plastic bag
E953.8	Other specified means
E953.9	Unspecified means
E954	Suicide and self-inflicted injury by submersion [drowning]
E955	Suicide and self-inflicted injury by firearms, air guns and explosives
E955.0	Handgun
E955.1	Shotgun
E955.2	Hunting rifle
E955.3	Military firearms
E955.4	Other and unspecified firearm
Gunshot NOS
Shot NOS
E955.5	Explosives
E955.6	Air gun
BB gun
Pellet gun
E955.7	Paintball gun
E955.9	Unspecified
E956	Suicide and self-inflicted injury by cutting and piercing instrument
E957	Suicide and self-inflicted injuries by jumping from high place
E957.0	Residential premises
E957.1	Other man-made structures
E957.2	Natural sites
E957.9	Unspecified
E958	Suicide and self-inflicted injury by other and unspecified means
E958.0	Jumping or lying before moving object
E958.1	Burns, fire
E958.2	Scald
E958.3	Extremes of cold
E958.4	Electrocution
E958.5	Crashing of motor vehicle
E958.6	Crashing of aircraft
E958.7	Caustic substances, except poisoning
Excludes:	poisoning by caustic substance (E950.7)
E958.8	Other specified means
E958.9	Unspecified means
E959	Late effects of self-inflicted injury
Note:	This category is to be used to indicate circumstances classifiable to E950-E958 as
 the cause of death or disability from late effects, which are themselves classifiable
 elsewhere.  The "late effects" include conditions reported as such or as sequelae which
 may occur at any time after the attempted suicide or self-inflicted injury.


Includes:	injuries inflicted by another person with intent to injure or kill, by any
Excludes:	injuries due to:
legal intervention (E970-E978)
operations of war (E990-E999)
terrorism (E979)
E960	Fight, brawl, rape
E960.0	Unarmed fight or brawl
Beatings NOS
Brawl or fight with hands, fists, feet
Injured or killed in fight NOS
Excludes:	homicidal:
injury by weapons (E965.0-E966, E969)
strangulation (E963)
submersion (E964)
E960.1	Rape
E961	Assault by corrosive or caustic substance, except poisoning
Injury or death purposely caused by corrosive or caustic substance, such as:
acid [any]
corrosive substance
Excludes:	burns from hot liquid (E968.3)
chemical burns from swallowing a corrosive substance (E962.0-E962.9)
E962	Assault by poisoning
E962.0	Drugs and medicinal substances
Homicidal poisoning by any drug or medicinal substance
E962.1	Other solid and liquid substances
E962.2	Other gases and vapors
E962.9	Unspecified poisoning
E963	Assault by hanging and strangulation
Homicidal (attempt):
garrotting or ligature
E964	Assault by submersion [drowning]
E965	Assault by firearms and explosives
E965.0	Handgun
E965.1	Shotgun
E965.2	Hunting rifle
E965.3	Military firearms
E965.4	Other and unspecified firearm
E965.5	Antipersonnel bomb
E965.6	Gasoline bomb
E965.7	Letter bomb
E965.8	Other specified explosive
Bomb NOS (placed in):
E965.9	Unspecified explosive
E966	Assault by cutting and piercing instrument
Assassination (attempt), homicide (attempt) by any instrument classifiable under E920
cut any part of body
puncture any part of body
stab any part of body
Stabbed any part of body
E967	Perpetrator of child and adult abuse
Note:	selection of the correct perpetrator code is based on the relationship between the
 perpetrator and the victim.
E967.0	By father, stepfather, or boyfriend
Male partner of child's parent or guardian
E967.1	By other specified person
E967.2	By mother, stepmother, or girlfriend
Female partner of child's parent or guardian
E967.3	By spouse or partner
Abuse of spouse or partner by ex-spouse or ex-partner
E967.4	By child
E967.5	By sibling
E967.6	By grandparent
E967.7	By other relative
E967.8	By non-related caregiver
E967.9	By unspecified person
E968	Assault by other and unspecified means
E968.0	Fire
Homicidal burns NOS
Excludes:	burns from hot liquid (E968.3)
E968.1	Pushing from a high place
E968.2	Striking by blunt or thrown object
E968.3	Hot liquid
Homicidal burns by scalding
E968.4	Criminal neglect
Abandonment of child, infant, or other helpless person with intent to injure or kill
E968.5	Transport vehicle
Being struck by other vehicle or run down with intent to injure
Pushed in front of, thrown from, or dragged by moving vehicle with intent to injure
E968.6	Air gun
BB gun
Pellet gun
E968.7	Human bite
E968.8	Other specified means
E968.9	Unspecified means
Assassination (attempt) NOS
Homicidal (attempt):
injury NOS
wound NOS
Manslaughter (nonaccidental)
Murder (attempt) NOS
Violence, non-accidental
E969	Late effects of injury purposely inflicted by other person
Note:	This category is to be used to indicate circumstances classifiable to E960-E968 as
 the cause of death or disability from late effects, which are themselves classifiable
 elsewhere.  The "late effects" include conditions reported as such, or as sequelae which
 may occur at any time after the injury purposely inflicted by another person.


Includes:	injuries inflicted by the police or other law-enforcing agents, including
 military on duty, in the course of arresting or attempting to arrest lawbreakers,
 suppressing disturbances, maintaining order, and other legal action
legal execution
Excludes:	injuries caused by civil insurrections (E990.0-E999)
E970	Injury due to legal intervention by firearms
Gunshot wound
Injury by:
machine gun
rifle pellet or rubber bullet
shot NOS
E971	Injury due to legal intervention by explosives
Injury by:
explosive shell
motor bomb
E972	Injury due to legal intervention by gas
Asphyxiation by gas
Injury by tear gas
Poisoning by gas
E973	Injury due to legal intervention by blunt object
Hit, struck by:
baton (nightstick)
blunt object
E974	Injury due to legal intervention by cutting and piercing instrument
Incised wound
Injured by bayonet
Stab wound
E975	Injury due to legal intervention by other specified means
E976	Injury due to legal intervention by unspecified means
E977	Late effects of injuries due to legal intervention
Note:	This category is to be used to indicate circumstances classifiable to E970-E976 as
 the cause of death or disability from late effects, which are themselves classifiable
 elsewhere.  The "late effects" include conditions reported as such, or as sequelae which
 may occur at any time after the injury due to legal intervention.
E978	Legal execution
All executions performed at the behest of the judiciary or ruling authority [whether
 permanent or temporary] as:
asphyxiation by gas
beheading, decapitation (by guillotine)
capital punishment
other specified means


E979	Terrorism
Injuries resulting from the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to
 intimidate or coerce a Government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in
 furtherance of political or social objective
E979.0	Terrorism involving explosion of marine weapons
Marine mine
Mine NOS, at sea or in harbour
Sea-based artillery shell
Underwater blast
E979.1	Terrorism involving destruction of aircraft
Aircraft used as a weapon
shot down
Crushed by falling aircraft
E979.2	Terrorism involving other explosions and fragments
Antipersonnel bomb (fragments)
Blast NOS
Explosion (of):
artillery shell
cannon block
mortar bomb
munitions being used in terrorism
Fragments from:
artillery shell
guided missile
Mine NOS
E979.3	Terrorism involving fires, conflagration and hot substances
Burning building or structure:
collapse of
fall from
hit by falling object in
jump from
Conflagration NOS
Fire (causing):
other injury
Melting of fittings and furniture in burning 
Petrol bomb
Smouldering building or structure
E979.4	Terrorism involving firearms
machine gun
rubber (rifle)
Pellets (shotgun)
E979.5	Terrorism involving nuclear weapons
Blast effects
Exposure to ionizing radiation from nuclear weapon
Fireball effects
Heat from nuclear weapon
Other direct and secondary effects of nuclear weapons
E979.6	Terrorism involving biological weapons
E979.7	Terrorism involving chemical weapons
Gases, fumes, chemicals
Hydrogen cyanide
E979.8	Terrorism involving other means
Drowning and submersion
Piercing or stabbing instruments
Terrorism NOS
E979.9	Terrorism, secondary effects
Note:	This code is for use to identify conditions occurring subsequent to a terrorist
 attack not those that are due to the initial terrorist attack
Excludes:	late effect of terrorist attack (E999.1)


Note:	Categories E980-E989 are for use when it is unspecified or it cannot be determined
 whether the injuries are accidental (unintentional), suicide (attempted), or assault.
E980	Poisoning by solid or liquid substances, undetermined whether accidentally or
 purposely inflicted
E980.0	Analgesics, antipyretics, and antirheumatics
E980.1	Barbiturates
E980.2	Other sedatives and hypnotics
E980.3	Tranquilizers and other psychotropic agents
E980.4	Other specified drugs and medicinal substances
E980.5	Unspecified drug or medicinal substance
E980.6	Corrosive and caustic substances
Poisoning, undetermined whether accidental or purposeful, by substances classifiable to E864
E980.7	Agricultural and horticultural chemical and pharmaceutical preparations other than
 plant foods and fertilizers
E980.8	Arsenic and its compounds
E980.9	Other and unspecified solid and liquid substances
E981	Poisoning by gases in domestic use, undetermined whether accidentally or purposely
E981.0	Gas distributed by pipeline
E981.1	Liquefied petroleum gas distributed in mobile containers
E981.8	Other utility gas
E982	Poisoning by other gases, undetermined whether accidentally or purposely inflicted
E982.0	Motor vehicle exhaust gas
E982.1	Other carbon monoxide
E982.8	Other specified gases and vapors
E982.9	Unspecified gases and vapors
E983	Hanging, strangulation, or suffocation, undetermined whether accidentally or purposely
E983.0	Hanging
E983.1	Suffocation by plastic bag
E983.8	Other specified means
E983.9	Unspecified means
E984	Submersion [drowning], undetermined whether accidentally or purposely inflicted
E985	Injury by firearms, air guns and explosives, undetermined whether accidentally or
 purposely inflicted
E985.0	Handgun
E985.1	Shotgun
E985.2	Hunting rifle
E985.3	Military firearms
E985.4	Other and unspecified firearm
E985.5	Explosives
E985.6	Air gun
BB gun
Pellet gun
E985.7	Paintball gun
E986	Injury by cutting and piercing instruments, undetermined whether accidentally or
 purposely inflicted
E987	Falling from high place, undetermined whether accidentally or purposely inflicted
E987.0	Residential premises
E987.1	Other man-made structures
E987.2	Natural sites
E987.9	Unspecified site
E988	Injury by other and unspecified means, undetermined whether accidentally or purposely
E988.0	Jumping or lying before moving object
E988.1	Burns, fire
E988.2	Scald
E988.3	Extremes of cold
E988.4	Electrocution
E988.5	Crashing of motor vehicle
E988.6	Crashing of aircraft
E988.7	Caustic substances, except poisoning
E988.8	Other specified means
E988.9	Unspecified means
E989	Late effects of injury, undetermined whether accidentally or purposely inflicted
Note:	This category is to be used to indicate circumstances classifiable to E980-E988 as
 the cause of death or disability from late effects, which are themselves classifiable
 elsewhere.  The "late effects" include conditions reported as such or as sequelae which
 may occur at any time after injury, undetermined whether accidentally or purposely inflicted.


Includes:	injuries to military personnel and civilians caused by war and civil
 insurrections and occurring during the time of war and insurrection
Excludes:	accidents during training of military personnel, manufacture of war material
 and transport, unless attributable to enemy action
E990	Injury due to war operations by fires and conflagrations
Includes:	asphyxia, burns, or other injury originating from fire caused by a fire-
producing device or indirectly by any conventional weapon
E990.0	From gasoline bomb
E990.9	From other and unspecified source
E991	Injury due to war operations by bullets and fragments
E991.0	Rubber bullets (rifle)
E991.1	Pellets (rifle)
E991.2	Other bullets
Bullet [any, except rubber bullets and pellets]
machine gun
E991.3	Antipersonnel bomb (fragments)
E991.9	Other and unspecified fragments
Fragments from:
artillery shell
bombs, except antipersonnel
guided missile
land mine
E992	Injury due to war operations by explosion of marine weapons
Depth charge
Marine mines
Mine NOS, at sea or in harbor
Sea-based artillery shell
Underwater blast
E993	Injury due to war operations by other explosion
Accidental explosion of munitions being used in war
Accidental explosion of own weapons
Air blast NOS
Blast NOS
Explosion NOS
Explosion of:
artillery shell
breech block
cannon block
mortar bomb
Injury by weapon burst
E994	Injury due to war operations by destruction of aircraft
shot down
Crushed by falling airplane
E995	Injury due to war operations by other and unspecified forms of conventional warfare
Battle wounds
Bayonet injury
Drowned in war operations
E996	Injury due to war operations by nuclear weapons
Blast effects
Exposure to ionizing radiation from nuclear weapons
Fireball effects
Other direct and secondary effects of nuclear weapons
E997	Injury due to war operations by other forms of unconventional warfare
E997.0	Lasers
E997.1	Biological warfare
E997.2	Gases, fumes, and chemicals
E997.8	Other specified forms of unconventional warfare
E997.9	Unspecified form of unconventional warfare
E998	Injury due to war operations but occurring after cessation of hostilities
Injuries due to operations of war but occurring after cessation of hostilities by any means
 classifiable under E990-E997
Injuries by explosion of bombs or mines placed in the course of operations of war, if the
 explosion occurred after cessation of hostilities
E999	Late effect of injury due to war operations and terrorism
Note:	This category is to be used to indicate circumstances classifiable to E979, E990-E998
 as the cause of death or disability from late effects, which are themselves classifiable
 elsewhere.  The "late effects" include conditions reported as such or as sequelae which may
 occur at any time after injury resulting from operations of war or terrorism.
E999.0	Late effect of injury due to war operations
E999.1	Late effect of injury due to terrorism


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