INTRODUCTION: Phosphorus Occurs in natural waste water almost soley as phosphate. These are classified as orthophosphate condensed phosphate organically bound phosphate are applied as fertillizer to agricultural residential cultivated land are carried out to ground waters. This forms of phosphate arise from variety of sources. This occurs in solution in particle or detriters or in bodies of in aquatic organism. Phosphorus is essential for growth of organism and can be nutrient that limits the primary productivity of body of water in instancy where phosphorus broth liniting nutrient or treated or treated water. Agricultural orannage certain industrial waste water. Test immunate photo lequane micro, macro organism in new senic quantity. Phosphate occurs in bottom sediment in biological sludge and both precipitated in organic forms incorporated into organic compound. TYPE OF METHOD A. DIGESTION METHOD 1. Perchlorate acid digestion. 2. Sulfuric acid, ni...